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Here's where every major character on 'Outlander' left off ahead of season 7

Here's where every major character on 'Outlander' left off ahead of season 7
Caítriona Balfe, Sophie Skelton, and Sam Heughan in "Outlander" season six photos.Starz
  • Time-traveling romance drama "Outlander" returns to Starz with its seventh season on June 16.
  • Season six ended with Jamie trying to rescue Claire from the gallows after she was accused of murder.

After about a year-long wait, the time-traveling romance drama "Outlander" is making its return to screens on Friday, June 16.

The new season will be the show's longest since it began airing in 2014, following the decision to truncate season six as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

It will consist of 16 episodes, split into two parts. While the first eight will air this summer, the second batch will be arriving sometime in 2024.

Since it's been so long since we last caught up with Jamie, Claire, and the rest of the inhabitants of Fraser's Ridge, here's a reminder of what went down in season six and where every major character ended up when audiences saw them last.

After building a new home for herself and her husband at Fraser's Ridge, Claire Fraser found herself cast out of the community over an accusation of murder.

After building a new home for herself and her husband at Fraser
Caitríona Balfe as Claire Fraser in "Outlander" season six.      Starz

Season six began with Claire (Caitríona Balfe) at her very lowest, beset with nightmares of what she experienced at the hands of Lionel Brown (Ned Dennehy) and his men and self-medicating with ether, an anesthetic she's created to assist with difficult surgeries.

An outbreak of dysentery on the ridge then left Claire at death's door, although she suspected that she has contracted something other than the bloody flux.

Things turned from bad to worse for her when she learned that her new apprentice Malva Christie (Jessica Reynolds) was pregnant and was claiming that Jamie (Sam Heughan) was the father.

Claire's reliance on ether caused her to have an eerily vivid dream about killing Malva after she taunts her about her and Jamie's alleged affair — only to discover moments after waking that Malva had indeed been murdered. Claire desperately tried to save Malva's unborn child by conducting a cesarean section but is unsuccessful.

Wielding a knife and with blood all over her, the scene didn't look good when others came to see what was going on and Claire ended up being arrested for Malva's murder by Richard Brown (Chris Larkin), the vengeful brother of Lionel.

Jamie Fraser was equally in rough shape when viewers saw him last as he had been captured, beaten, and nearly put on a ship back to Scotland.

Jamie Fraser was equally in rough shape when viewers saw him last as he had been captured, beaten, and nearly put on a ship back to Scotland.
Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser in "Outlander" season six.      Starz

Season six brought many new challenges for Jamie. With the return of his old Ardsmuir prison mate, Tom Christie (Mark Lewis Jones), he was reminded of the challenges that come when a community that relies on mutual respect and cooperation is divided (in that case, it was Protestants and Catholics).

So it was no surprise that he harbored complicated feelings when he was appointed the role of Indian Agent, a middleman essentially in charge of keeping the Native Americans under the thumb of the British army.

Given his own family's link to the Mohawk people in North Carolina, Jamie ultimately decided to resign so that he wouldn't have to act as a spy or betray either side in the looming war.

Elsewhere, after resolutely denying his paternity to Malva's child, Jamie was accused of being culpable in her murder, leading him to be arrested alongside his wife.

However, while being transported to Wilmington to stand trial, he was torn away from Claire and told that he was going to be put on a ship back to Scotland, but not before being tied to a post and enduring a beating from Richard Brown's men.

Fortunately, Ian (John Bell) had been following his aunt and uncle's entire journey and was able to rescue Jamie with the help of his Native American allies.

The season ended with Jamie determined to get Claire back at any cost.

Season six brought two causes for celebration for Jamie and Claire's daughter, Brianna MacKenzie.

Season six brought two causes for celebration for Jamie and Claire
Sophie Skelton as Brianna Fraser in "Outlander" season six.      Starz

First, after some trial and error, Brianna (Sophie Skelton) managed to create working matches — some 50 years before they were invented — to help make life on the ridge a little bit easier.

While not everyone was particularly impressed, Bree was thrilled to put her engineering degree from M.I.T. to good use.

Likewise, after plenty of trying, she and her husband Roger (Richard Rankin) ended the season happily pregnant with their second child and thrilled to be growing into a family of four.

However, the couple ended season six completely unaware of her parents' plight as before the arrests, Brianna and Roger had left the ridge for Edenton to get Roger ordained.

Roger MacKenzie found a new calling for himself in the church and made a happy discovery about his son Jemmy.

Roger MacKenzie found a new calling for himself in the church and made a happy discovery about his son Jemmy.
Richard Rankin as Roger MacKenzie in "Outlander" season six.      Starz

With the encouragement of the pious eldest Christie, Roger helped set up the ridge's first church and before long, he began leading funeral services and teaching other members of the community about the word of God.

He decided to become a minister, which meant he and Brianna, along with their young son, left the ridge before the season six finale showdown.

In contrast to Jamie and Claire's bad luck, Roger actually received some good news in the final installment. While on the road to Edenton, Brianna shaved Jemmy's head after she found he had contracted lice and discovered a birthmark on his scalp, which is identical to one Roger also has.

With that, all the speculation on whether Jemmy was his biological son or the product of Stephen Bonnet's (Ed Speleers) brutal assault, was put to rest.

Ian Murray remained loyal to the Frasers throughout, but viewers also learned more about his Mohawk family.

Ian Murray remained loyal to the Frasers throughout, but viewers also learned more about his Mohawk family.
John Bell as Ian Murray in "Outlander" season six.      Starz

Ian (John Bell) proved once again that he is the show's MVP in season six as he came to the rescue of his uncle just when it seemed that his fate was sealed.

The fact that he was able to get members of the Native American tribe to help him in the mission proved just how deep his ties with Native Americans went — something that was highlighted in an episode dedicated to filling in the gaps about Ian's time after he was adopted into the Mohawk family.

Audiences learn that after being given the new moniker Wolf's Brother, Ian married a woman in the tribe named Emily/Wahionhaweh (Morgan Holmstrom).

The couple had two children together but sadly lost both before they were born.

It's revealed that Ian was instructed to return to Fraser's Ridge by the tribe elders who said that his and his wife's spirits were in conflict. Although initially determined to fight this, Ian obliged after he discovered that Emily/Wahionhaweh was being remarried to Kaheroton (Braeden Clarke), a fellow tribe member who was like a brother to him.

Lord John Grey crossed paths with Jamie once again and displayed conflicting loyalties to the crown and his old friend.

Lord John Grey crossed paths with Jamie once again and displayed conflicting loyalties to the crown and his old friend.
David Berry as Lord John Grey in "Outlander" season six.      Starz

Fan favorite Lord John (David Berry) reunited with Jamie and Claire at a party held in Wilmington, but it was soon discovered that the old friends were on opposing sides of the revolution, with Jamie aligning himself with the rebels and Lord John firmly loyal to the crown.

However, audiences saw that Lord John's loyalties to Jamie run even deeper. When he learned that Jamie was planning on attending a Sons of Liberty meeting, Lord John agreed to hold off the red coats from raiding until after Jamie and his men had left.

Elsewhere, Lord John shared an update on Jamie's biological son William, who has been raised as if his own since infancy.

He told an eager Jamie that William, now an adult, has become a fine young man who is interested in politics and history.

The birth of their son caused some marital strife for Marsali and Fergus Fraser, who decided to leave Fraser's Ridge.

The birth of their son caused some marital strife for Marsali and Fergus Fraser, who decided to leave Fraser
Marsali Fraser (Lauren Lyle) and Fergus Fraser (César Domboy) in "Outlander" season six.      Starz

Season six saw Marsali (Lauren Lyle) and Fergus' (César Domboy) marriage on the rocks after Fergus struggled to deal with the fact that due to his physical disability, he had not been able to provide protection for her when the Brown and his men attacked them.

Despite having three children and another on the way, Fergus took to drinking heavily to cope with his feelings but pulled through when Marsali needed him by her side during her difficult labor.

However, Fergus entered an even deeper depression after their son Henri-Christian was born and it's discovered that although perfectly healthy, he has dwarfism.

Explaining the source of his sadness, Fergus revealed that while growing up in France he witnessed the unbearable cruelty directed towards dwarfs, recalling that one young boy was abused every day until he was eventually killed.

After Claire and Jamie managed to bring Fergus back from the brink, he resolved to do what he could to protect his son.

Before the season ended, Fergus and Marsali moved with their children to the neighboring settlement of New Bern where Fergus had taken up a print press.

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