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'Heartstopper's celebration of queer love in teens makes me angry because I never got to experience that as a gay kid

Frank Olito   

'Heartstopper's celebration of queer love in teens makes me angry because I never got to experience that as a gay kid
  • While watching the new season of "Heartstopper," I keep feeling jealous and angry.
  • The show celebrates queer love in high school, which is something I never experienced as a gay kid.

Netflix's "Heartstopper" is a relatively simple story. There are no enemies to lovers, there is no unrequited love, and there is no big tragedy. It's merely about two teenage boys who fall in love.

So I never thought the second season would make me rethink my dating life as a gay man and my childhood trauma.

Although the show can be cringe and sanitized at times, I can't help but find myself beaming with excitement at some of the scenes. Under all that excitement though, there is something else. I'm also feeling jealous, angry, and frustrated while watching this show.

It reminds me of all the things I'm missing out on when it comes to queer love.

'Heartstopper' showcases a fantasy-like adolescence for queer kids that I was never lucky enough to experience

In the show, Nick and Charlie have a whirlwind romance. They kiss in secret during school hours, they text each other sweet nothings, and they are surrounded by queer friends who affirm them.

My middle and high school years in Long Island were nothing like that. For the most part, there were only a few openly gay guys in my entire school, and we mostly kept our distance from each other. I think we subconsciously knew that if we interacted, it would only underscore what made us so different. It would only bring more unwanted attention to us.

I watched my straight high school friends get in and out of relationships, go on dates, kiss in cars, and hold hands in the hallways. I was left out of all of that. I never got to experience any type of romantic relationship during my adolescence — as Nich and Charlie do in "Heartstopper." I can't help but feel jealous of that.

Of course, "Heartstopper" is a straight-washing of the queer experience and offers a dream-like example of adolescent romance, but I can't help but wonder why queers my age couldn't have had the same experience growing up. Instead, most of us were forced to hide and suppress who we are to protect ourselves from ridicule.

I missed out on high school romance, and this series rubs exactly what I was missing in my face.

It's also been difficult to watch a show where the teens are more emotionally mature than the men I've had dates with recently

Nick and Charlie have an alarmingly mature relationship. They communicate their feelings, work through their problems by talking them through, and they know exactly when and how to help each other. And they are teenagers.

When I was young, I was fine missing out on high school romances because I was promised "it gets better," and I convinced myself I would be able to have what everyone else had some time in the future. But I'm starting to see that it might, in fact, not get better.

Dating gay men in New York City is an endless pattern of men telling me they aren't ready to commit to anything serious. Or it's men who don't know how to communicate beyond a "What's up?" text at 1 AM. Or it's men who rather run in the opposite direction than face their feelings.

The fact that the teens in "Heartstopper" are more mature than the 30-something adults I go on dates with makes me frustrated.

I know I shouldn't compare my dating life to a fictional teen show, but the series poignantly highlights everything I'm missing out on.

Ultimately, I'm glad the younger generations get this type of representation

When I was growing up, there were no shows like this on TV. If there was one queer character on a network series, they were usually a side character with no storyline and just punchlines.

I'm glad that queer kids today get to watch "Heartstopper" and see that it's OK to be out in school, it's OK to get a boyfriend, and it's OK to fall in love — just like most heterosexual high schoolers have been able to do forever.

I hope this show can teach kids what a healthy and mature relationship looks like and that it's possible for them too. I hope the next generation of queer people can live and love confidently — something I am still striving for.

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