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'Groundhog Day' is turning 30. Here is how it inspired a generation of time-loop stories from 'Palm Springs' to 'Happy Death Day.'

Ayomikun Adekaiyero   

'Groundhog Day' is turning 30. Here is how it inspired a generation of time-loop stories from 'Palm Springs' to 'Happy Death Day.'
  • "Groundhog Day" turns 30 years old on February 12.
  • While the classic movie was not the first time-loop story, it was crucial to developing the trope.

It's 1993 and Bill Murray is stuck living the same day over and over again.

One could describe his condition as the mundanity of regular life, but in "Groundhog Day," Murray is literally stuck living the same 24 hours for an entire movie.

"Groundhog Day" is not the first time-loop story told on screen, but it was critical to inspiring an entire genre. Over the 30 years since "Groundhog Day," time loops have become a storytelling staple of Hollywood, with some movies and TV shows even winning Emmys and Oscars.

Kiri Walden, a senior communications officer and film and cultural studies lecturer at the University of Oxford, told Insider that the reason Hollywood keeps coming back to time loops is that the plot device addresses "universal human cravings."

"Like so many science fiction films do, they address what it is to be human, and that's something that crosses age boundaries. It crosses cultural boundaries. It's something that's universally true of everyone," Walden said. "We are ultimately all looking for meaning in the world and I think time-loop movies are very much about that."

Insider spoke to Walden and writers of time-loop movies and TV series about the legacy of "Groundhog Day," its influence on other stories in the last three decades, and how the genre has evolved on screen.

"Groundhog Day" is regarded as the godfather of the time-loop genre, but it was not the first story to use the trope

During the 20th century, the time-loop genre expanded beyond just literature into radio and, eventually, TV with "The Twilight Zone" in 1959.

Even in the 1990s, "Groundhog Day" was preceded by the Oscar-nominated short movie, "12:01 PM," and the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" season five episode, "Cause and Effect," which aired in 1992.

In "Cause and Effect," the Enterprise crew are stuck in a time loop after their ship blows up near a temporal distortion. However, they don't remember the events of the previous day.

Brannon Braga, who wrote the episode, told Insider that he thought he was going to get fired at the time.

Braga said that, back then, the concept was "pretty radical," and he feared audiences would think there was something wrong with their TV sets when the day repeated itself.

Even the episode's director, Jonathan Frakes, thought the script was a "practical joke," Braga recalled.

"I was worried people would literally turn the channel, and that it would be the lowest-rated episode," he said.

Instead, "Cause and Effect" was "one of the most popular episodes of that season."

"I think a lot of credit has to go to Jonathan Frakes," Braga said. "What he did that was so ingenious was he shot each loop differently, but not so different that it confused you, but just different enough."

Although the episode isn't as well remembered as "Groundhog Day," which premiered almost a year after, the "Star Trek" writer said he doesn't mind sharing the credit for the boon in time-loop content.

"I loved the movie," he told Insider. "They did a lot more with the idea. Mine's kind of a techno-mystery-thriller. They actually developed character."

Despite their different approaches, Braga said, between "Star Trek" and "Groundhog Day," time loops went from a "big idea" in the early '90s to an "accepted" trope on screen.

Oxford lecturer Kiri Walden told Insider that time loops are becoming more popular due to the chaos of the outside world

30 years on from "Groundhog Day," time-loop stories show no sign of losing momentum. In the last five years, the Emmy award-winning show "Russian Doll," Oscar-winning short "Two Distant Strangers" and the popular Hulu movie "Palm Springs" have all centered around time loops.

Walden said these stories could become more common as the world starts to make less sense.

"We've already got the [climate change] problem of the world destroying itself, and then we all get sent home and overthink everything because of the pandemic," the Oxford lecturer said. "The pandemic really showed a lot of the world that, ultimately, we have very little control over what happens to us."

This is why stories about "regaining control over our fate" might be so appealing.

"We can't fix the things we got wrong 10 years ago, but in a time-loop movie, you've got a character who is able to save the world, or a character who is able to save a relationship," the lecturer added. "It gives the central character a power that eludes us in real life."

That sense of retaining control in the face of increasing unpredictability is exactly what Noga Pnueli, the writer of "Meet Cute" starring Kaley Cuoco and Pete Davidson, was looking to address in the 2022 movie.

Cuoco's Sheila willingly throws herself into a time loop, via a time-traveling tanning bed, to keep going on the same date with Gary (Davidson) in order to avoid facing the uncertainty of the future. The film is loosely inspired by Pnueli's own somber feelings at the end of the "honeymoon period" in her relationship.

"The slogan that both [characters] say to each other all the time is: 'It's okay for things to be messy sometimes,'" Pneuli told Insider. "The most beautiful thing to me is to see [the phrase] in tweets and to see that maybe other people are taking it and benefiting from that message because it's certainly something that I'm still working on."

The screenwriter added: "This is a movie about letting go of control and [being] willing to face tomorrow, even though tomorrow there will be pain."

Time-loop movies appear to be leaning more heavily toward science

While "Groundhog Day" didn't explain the mystery of its time loop, recent movies are utilizing complex explanations as moviegoers today are more aware of scientific and technological breakthroughs.

2019's horror sequel "Happy Death Day 2 U" explained its time loop as being a product of a malfunctioning quantum reactor. However, the original "Happy Death Day," released in 2017, didn't offer an explanation for why Tree (Jessica Rothe) was living the same day over and over again.

And that's by design.

Scott Lobdell, who wrote the script, told Inisder that he "fought" with producers not to include a scientific explanation in the first movie.

"My manager called and [said], 'Lionsgate was gonna buy it, but they said the problem is it doesn't explain why [the main character goes] back in time.' And I said, 'Well, it's never explained why "Groundhog Day" goes back,'" Lobdell said.

2020's "Palm Springs," starring Andy Samberg and Cristin Milloti, also goes down the scientific route.

Director Max Barbakow told Insider that the movie's producers advised him and writer Andy Siara to "veer into that sci-fi territory" after reading the first draft of the script.

This led to a sequence in the third act in which one of the characters becomes a quantum physics expert in order to break out of the loop.

Barbakow said the rise of "Marvel multiversal" movies and "elevated sci-fi" has prompted more filmmakers to focus on explaining the genesis of their time loops.

Walden, the Oxford lecturer, believes that the progress of scientific discoveries has also had an effect.

"We've had this huge shift largely since 'Groundhog Day' was made where a lot of this science fiction has become fact or is very close to becoming fact," Walden said. "But the difference is that people are now seeing how that technology can change their own life, but they don't actually understand the science behind it."

"So it's there that you get fiction filling the gap. They take an element of real science and then they kind of backfill it," she added.

"Groundhog Day" is still the most notable time-loop movie because of the way it blends humor and philosophy

In the end, it always comes back to "Groundhog Day" and its influence on today's filmmakers.

In fact, "Happy Death Day" writer Lobdell claimed that the Writers Guild of America said he couldn't refer to the film as an original story because "it's just 'Groundhog Day' as a slasher."

But what makes "Groundhog Day" so special — even now — is that it explores grand philosophical ideas of existentialism, hedonism, and utilitarianism, in a fun, comedic, and generally lighthearted way.

"I think the fact that 'Groundhog Day' includes romance and comedy is what has given it longevity," said Walden. "A lot of the more nihilistic time-loop movies are fascinating, but they're not fun."
