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Coming soon, a Gujarati movie on coronavirus By Prashant Thakor


Coming soon, a Gujarati movie on coronavirus By Prashant Thakor
Ahmedabad, Apr 28 () Inspired by numerous real lifestories surrounding the battle against coronavirus, afilmmaker duo from Gujarat has decided to make a movie on howthe pandemic affected people and the state machinery'sresponse to the unprecedented lockdown.

Instead of a cliched storyline of a hero fighting theevil forces, the Gujarati movie will have multiple storiesdepicting fear, hope, determination and many different coloursof life which have emerged during the epidemic, directorMahesh Patel told .

Patel and his business partner Dipak Soni own theSurat-based Kesar-Bhavani Film Productions, a company underwhose banner the film will be made.

While the budget has not yet been finalised, Patel hasalready started working on the script the film, titled'Corona No Kaher' (meaning coronavirus wreaking havoc).

"So many things are happening around us due to thecoronavirus - from people getting confined to their homes tomigrants agitating due to the lockdown. We are also seeing howpolice personnel and doctors are putting their own lives atrisk to save people. Thus, we both decided to make a movie onthis subject," Patel said.

Soni said the film's shooting will start once thelockdown comes to an end and things get normal.

"Though we have released a working poster of the movieand finalised some crew, many things are still in thepipeline. The film would also have characters portraying theGujarat chief minister and the state director general ofpolice, as they did a commendable job in such a situation,"Soni said.

The movie will have stories on migrant workers stuckin cities, public's fear and struggles during the lockdown andhow police personnel, doctors and nurses fought all odds tosave people's lives, Patel said.

"We will also highlight the good work of NGOs andgovernment in helping and feeding the poor. I have alsoplanned to highlight how mistakes of some persons triggeredspread of the virus," he said.

"Overall, this will be a movie about how everyone cametogether to fight the coronavirus. We want to give a messageof unity," Patel added.

This will be the second major film of the producer-director duo.

In 2016, they made a movie titled 'Power of Patidar',on Hardik Patel who spearheaded an agitation for reservationsome years back.

However, the film never got released as the censorboard denied permission. PJT PDGK GK

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