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Ayesha Curry knows that you've seen less of her. Here's why.

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Ayesha Curry knows that you've seen less of her. Here's why.

The lifestyle entrepreneur knows that you've seen less of her. She's been living her life.

Story by Muna Mire
Photography by Lia Clay Miller

Ayesha Curry has finally found the key to a good night's sleep.

First, she plunges into a pool of icy water. Immediately after that, she hustles into a sauna, which is heated to triple digits. She'll go back and forth a few times, numbing her body and reawakening it in turn, until she can feel her nervous system winding down. "It's freaking cold," she says. "But it works."

Curry, 34, has her own private cold-plunge-and-sauna combo tucked away behind the Northern California home she shares with her husband and three children. The setup was part of a pandemic-era wellness tear Curry was on, determined to find a way to feel good — or at least better — during quarantine.

The schvitz has done wonders: The extremes in temperature invigorate her in the mornings and ease her insomnia, which she's struggled with for much of her life, in the evenings. Saunas are, of course, very old wellness tech: They work by pushing your body to operate at maximum capacity in order to sustain homeostasis in a calibrated environment. Your heart gets a workout as a result.

Like her husband, the Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry, Ayesha Curry is no stranger to navigating extremes. She's used to pushing herself in a thousand different directions, each one demanding her full attention. Now, though, she's letting things level out, take their course, recenter, and recalibrate. "I feel like you see a lot less of me, and you hear a lot less of me, but it's because I'm actually living my life," she says. "And it feels really good."

These days she and Stephen recover from workouts together: cold plunge, sauna, red-light therapy. They've found a rhythm that works for them.

In early May, Curry takes a red-eye overnight from San Francisco and comes straight to meet me in New York. She walks into the backstage room of the Brooklyn studio where we're shooting her editorial and immediately makes a beeline for the garment rack to peruse the designer offerings.

She fingers an eye-catching, daffodil-colored tulle dress before pantomiming a request for coffee and flopping down in an armchair opposite me. An espresso appears in front of her. When she finishes it, another takes its place as though conjured.

Curry is smaller in person than I anticipated. She wears an oversize, floor-length Charles Jeffrey Loverboy denim coat over a sweatsuit. I can tell the coat acts as a kind of stylish armor, the way a hoodie or massive sunglasses might. Curry takes a moment to get acclimated to the scene, poking at a gift basket on the table to forage for snacks. None pass muster.

Her team flits around us, prepping for the shoot and attending to various logistics. Ponytails swing back and forth like metronomes. The sweet, heavy smell of dozens of roses and calla lilies fills the studio as the set decorator prepares a tableau of artfully strewn stems. Florals for spring: groundbreaking.

When we meet, the Warriors are fresh off of a loss; the Lakers had eked out a five-point victory the previous night. I start to ask Curry if losing bruises her husband's ego or affects the mood in the household. "It's a long series," she says before I can finish my sentence. Meaning one loss for Stephen and the Warriors means nothing in the grand scheme of the NBA playoffs.

If I have the opportunity to uplift another person's business that looks like me or comes from the same background as me, I'm all for it.

Curry shakes her head as though warding something off. "The wins roll off his back, but the losses roll off, too. He never lingers too long in the stink of a loss," she says. "He kind of just keeps it moving." It's clear from her delivery that there's no room for debate: When it comes to her husband, she's a true believer.

It's also apparent that Curry understands reframing is a useful therapeutic tool in navigating the pressure cooker of athletic stardom. She's exploring these kinds of methods for herself, too. After the pandemic, her depression and social anxiety spiked. She's now seeing a therapist, which she tells me she was afraid to do for a long time. "I had some bad experiences, and they scared me away. But now I've found one that I love, and I actually look forward to it," she says.

Curry credits therapy with helping her make much-needed changes in her life. One of these involved a pivot away from her role as a media personality. She's no longer interested in being the main character (or worse, a supporting character to her husband). Curry explains that being taken out of context for clicks is a painful lesson; she's had to learn to be guarded.

She had a particularly bad experience on "Red Table Talk" — the Facebook Live interview series helmed by Jada Pinkett Smith — in 2019. At the time the show was taped, Curry was newly postpartum, a nursing mother. On the program, she discussed sometimes feeling insecure in her marriage, sometimes wanting attention — real and vulnerable human emotions. But the show "was edited in a way that made me sound crazy," she says. "It's not what I said, and the context was weird. Yeah. I took that one personally."

"Media is a very ruthless space," says Curry's sister-in-law, Sydel Curry-Lee. "Celebrities are real people. All press is good press, but that's not true when it comes to our emotions and our mental health." In their family, "we're all about protecting our peace."

So Curry has taken a step away from the spotlight and toward charity work and entrepreneurship, entering the wellness and lifestyle space with her company, Sweet July. In a sense, as the wife of a very famous athlete and therefore the head of a very famous family, she's always been selling her lifestyle. But Sweet July has allowed Curry to leverage her fame to get the better end of that bargain.

Sweet July does many things: publishes a quarterly magazine; runs a production studio; puts out its own line of lifestyle products like candles, tableware, and jewelry; and maintains an Oakland storefront where all these things are on offer, plus items from small businesses around the Bay Area that Curry feels an affinity for. The company's publishing house is set to release its first book, the entrepreneur Fawn Weaver's "Love & Whiskey," next year. "I feel like self and home are pretty all-encompassing," Curry says. She's right — she could technically sell anything. I joke that she could give Gwyneth Paltrow a run for her money.

Curry sees Sweet July as a sort of incubator for Black- and women-owned small businesses. She's tried to build a company with a soul. "It's cliché at this point, but representation does matter," she says. "If I have the opportunity to uplift another person's business that looks like me or comes from the same background as me, I'm all for it."

Sweet July's uptown Oakland storefront, which also houses a café, belongs to its own kind of community. The entrepreneur Sherri McMullen's shop, McMullen Boutique, is just down the street. "It's really nice to have a neighbor," McMullen says. "We want to make sure we're all taken care of. It's great to get coffee from Sweet July or food from another Black-woman-owned business that's a block away."

She and Curry both focus on up-and-coming brands, and they often talk about makers they like or admire. Curry "has been so intentional and thoughtful about every part of her business," McMullen says, describing her focus and drive. "She's committed to making space for herself, and that's admirable for women and mothers."

Curry-Lee has also watched her sister-in-law's company grow. "At the end of the day, when you're in the position that Ayesha is in, people will always attribute your success to your husband. It's even harder to make a name for yourself," she says. "But really it's her determination, her creativity. She can be talking to someone and come up with a really creative idea that no one else has thought of. She has this mind that not a lot of people have."

Ayesha Curry (née Alexander) was born in Markham, Ontario — about 20 miles north of Toronto — in March 1989. She's the middle child of five kids and was raised in a Christian household by immigrant parents: Her mother, Carol, is Chinese-Jamaican, and her father, John, is African-American and Polish.

When she was 14, her family relocated to North Carolina, where she attended high school and met her future husband. She and Stephen belonged to the same church and the same Wednesday-night youth group. The two reconnected and started dating in 2008. They've been together for 15 years which, from the outside, seems impossible. "We really feel like we've grown together and grown up together," she says. "He's truly my best friend."

Curry grew up in a musical household: Her father was the manager of the hip-hop duo Kris Kross, among others. Curry herself played the bass guitar and was high-school friends with the experimental musician Kelsey Lu.

Apart from school and church, Curry didn't do much of anything as a teenager: no sports, no extracurriculars. She describes herself as an obedient kid ("too good"), which meant she followed her parents' rules for what time and how often she had to be home. She had a few close friends, but not many, purely because she wasn't allowed to be in the spaces where adolescent friendships bloom. "If I couldn't ride the bus home, it wasn't happening," she says.

When Curry got older, her mother apologized. "She was like, 'I was scared. I thought something was going to happen to you,'" Curry says. By then, the pieces had started to click into place for Curry: Her mother was a first-generation immigrant who'd moved from Jamaica when she was a kid. She was doing her best to keep her five children safe and accounted for in a new place. "It took me a while to realize that some of her apprehensions were straight out of fear," she says. "Not out of not wanting me to do anything."

Curry spent the pandemic keeping her own children close. For them, time spent away from the public eye during the pandemic was a mixed blessing. When the world shut down, the Currys retreated into a private bubble. "We kind of had a revolving door all the time," Curry says of their life before March 2020. With the newfound privacy, the family was able to take time and space to "figure out what we want for our lives" and "how to better ourselves."

For their children — Riley, 10; Ryan, 7; and Canon, 4 — Curry says the uninterrupted time with both parents at home was a godsend. They flourished. "The girls are super artsy," Curry says. "Right now my 7-year-old, Ryan, she likes the ukulele."

The public may be most familiar with the eldest Curry child, Riley. As a young mother, Curry brought Riley with her on the road to Stephen's games. Riley's impromptu antics captured the camera's eye and the nation's heart. Curry regrets the overexposure.

If we had known back in the day just how chaotic it would make life, I don't think we would've done it. But we were just genuinely living our lives back then. Curry on her daughter Riley's viral fame

"When the social media thing started, nobody knew what that was going to become," she says. "If we had known back in the day just how chaotic it would make life, I don't think we would've done it. But we were just genuinely living our lives back then. And we thought, 'This is our kid. We're bringing our kid along.'" Curry is wiser now and determined to give her kids a childhood — they are no longer in the public eye.

None of the children have social-media accounts or cellphones as a safeguard against what they might see about their famous parents online. Curry isn't naive; she knows that won't be the case forever. But for as much wisdom as Curry has gained in her years as a mother, certain things remain out of her control. "I'm trying to be as normal as possible, but every day we wake up and there's a new school shooting, a new attack," she says. "Every time I pull up to their school for drop-off, I'm looking at the entrance, I'm looking at the exit, I'm looking around."

The recent rash of school shootings — Pittsburgh, Michigan State, Nashville — has her on edge. But trying to shield her kids from the media means she won't be able to reach them should the unthinkable happen. So she's found a middle ground. "I think we've settled on doing an Apple watch," she says. "'Cause apparently with the Apple watch, you can still make calls."

Like any parent, Curry is trying to give her kids what she didn't have growing up — freedom and independence — while still safeguarding them. The other day, one of her daughters came home with a field-trip permission slip. It "feels so empowering to let her go and experience something," Curry says. She checked the "yes" box.

She and Stephen talk about it often: how to walk the line with their own family. "Where's the middle ground, where we're strict, but we're also allowing our kids to experience life?" she says. "We're trying to figure out what that balance is. Just kind of learn as you go, right?"

The difference is that with Curry, the world is watching as she learns. But she's getting used to ignoring the onlookers. "The people in my life know who I am and my values and what I believe in," she says, "and I think that's all that matters."

When she isn't using her sauna, Curry says her favorite way to unwind is to load her paddleboard into the back of her black pickup truck and drive to the edge of the Pacific. She paddles out as far as she can until she reaches a calm spot in the water. Then she just floats, perched atop the board, taking it all in.


Writer: Muna Mire
Lia Clay Miller
Creative Direction: Liane Radel
Styling: Jason Bolden
Hair: Sonia Cosey
Makeup: Ashley Bias
Prop Styling: Stockton Hall
Prop Assistance: Laure Fischbach
Digital Tech: Michael O'Shea
Production: Kaream Appleton, Sofija Kulikauskas, Very Rare Productions
Design and Development: Rebecca Zisser, Kazi Awal
Editing: Claire Landsbaum, Joi-Marie McKenzie, Jonann Brady, Marisa Frey, Brea Cubit
Video: Ben Nigh
Social: Tanita Gaither, Tyler Murphy, Nicole Forero, Virginia Alves, Victoria Gracie
Special Thanks: Adrianna Varedi and Victoria Fedorova at 99 Scott Studio

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