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  4. Axl Rose tried to coerce a woman into group sex and later violently assaulted her in a 'sexual, volatile rage,' lawsuit alleges

Axl Rose tried to coerce a woman into group sex and later violently assaulted her in a 'sexual, volatile rage,' lawsuit alleges

Sonam Sheth   

Axl Rose tried to coerce a woman into group sex and later violently assaulted her in a 'sexual, volatile rage,' lawsuit alleges
  • A former model accused Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose of trying to coerce her into group sex in 1989.
  • The ex-model's lawsuit accuses Rose of violently assaulting her while he was in a "sexual, volatile rage."

A former model has accused Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose of trying to coerce her into group sex and sexually assaulting her at an afterparty.

Sheila Kennedy alleges that Rose used his fame and power to "manipulate, control, and violently sexually assault" her, according to a new lawsuit.

The lawsuit, filed Wednesday, states it was filed to meet the deadline of New York's Adult Survivors Act, which allows victims of alleged sexual abuse to seek legal action even if the abuse happened beyond the statute of limitations.

The law expires on Thursday.

In a statement to Business Insider, Rose's lawyer Alan Gutman said: "Simply put, this incident never happened. Notably, these fictional claims were filed the day before the New York State filing deadline expires."

"Though he doesn't deny the possibility of a fan photo taken in passing, Mr. Rose has no recollection of ever meeting or speaking to the Plaintiff, and has never heard about these fictional allegations prior to today," Gutman said. "Mr. Rose is confident this case will be resolved in his favor."

Kennedy says she met Rose at a New York nightclub in 1989. The Guns N' Roses lead singer invited her to an afterparty at his hotel, the lawsuit alleges, and Kennedy joined Rose, his friend David Rachtman, and another model at the hotel.

As the night progressed, Rose told Rachtman to clear the suite of "everyone except Kennedy and the other model," the suit alleges.

"Kennedy soon found herself in Rose's bedroom in bed with Rose, Rachtman, and the other model," the civil complaint alleges. "Rose began kissing and having sex with the other model."

But "Rose was aggressive in a way that appeared painful for the model," and Kennedy found the encounter "uncomfortable" and "disturbing" because it seemed like Rose was "encouraging" group sex, the lawsuit alleges.

Kennedy and Rachtman left Rose's room and went to Rachtman's bedroom, the lawsuit alleges, but they later heard Rose screaming at the woman and "objects being thrown and the sound of glass shattering."

Rachtman warned Kennedy: "It's going to get bad," according to the complaint.

Rose then stormed down the hallway to Rachtman's room, the lawsuit alleges, and said to Kennedy, "What the fuck are you doing back here?"

He knocked Kennedy to the floor, grabbed her by her hair, and "dragged her across the suite back to his bedroom," the lawsuit alleges.

Rose threw Kennedy on the bed on her stomach, tied her hands behind her back with pantyhose, and "forcibly" penetrated her, the complaint alleges.

Rose was "in a sexual, volatile rage," Kennedy's lawsuit alleges, saying that "Kennedy believed Rose would physically attack her, or worse, if she said no or attempted to push him away. She understood that the safest thing to do was to lie in bed and wait for Rose to finish assaulting her."

The lawsuit seeks a jury trial and punitive and compensatory damages as well as a judgment against Rose for pain and suffering.

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