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Acting coach breaks down 17 iconic death scenes in movies

Jul 7, 2020, 22:59 IST

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Acting coach breaks down 17 iconic death scenes in movies
  • Watch acting coach Anthony Gilardi review great, mediocre, and downright terrible movie death scenes, breaking down what the actors did right and wrong in their performances.
  • Gilardi deconstructed some of Hollywood's most memorable movie deaths, including Denzel Washington's final moments in "The Book of Eli," Nicolas Cage's dying-in-arms scene in "Windtalkers," Nicole Kidman's last goodbye in "Moulin Rouge!," and Joaquin Phoenix's downfall in "Gladiator."
  • He showed some common mistakes actors make when dying on screen, and shared his tips and tricks for making on-screen deaths powerful and effective.

Following is a transcript of the video.

Anthony Gilardi: Look at those eyes.

This is probably as good of a death scene as far as acting goes as you're ever going to see.

Hello everybody, my name is Anthony Gilardi of the Anthony Gilardi Acting Studio in Hollywood. Today, we're going to be talking about death scenes in movies, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Marion is actually a very, very good actress. She has done a lot of great things in the past. I think it's the indecisiveness that really ruined this final take. She put too much emphasis on what she's going to say before she dies.

Talia: My father's work is done.


Anthony Gilardi: It seems like she was caught between I'm going to die this way, I'm going to die this way, I'm going to die with my eyes open. She didn't make a choice. That is a trap that a lot of actors fall into. Now, I don't know how many takes this took to get this shot, but usually, they use the best take, and in my opinion, if this is the best take that they used, something went wrong on set. Something seriously went wrong on set.

Venarius: And now I'm gonna kill you.

Anthony Gilardi: So okay, here we go, this piece is done in a certain era, and to me, judging by the leisure suits and all that, I'm looking at maybe the '''70s, early ''80s. We're talking about a ninja movie. It's meant to be a little bit campy.

Man 1: What's this jazz?

Man 2: I don't know, bru tha.


Anthony Gilardi: Now, I want you guys to think of what it must have looked like on the set when the actor's actually doing it without slow motion, and yeah, the way that his eyes were just like, "I'm sorry that I'm dying'. "What are you gonna do, I'm surprised." You know, you have a gun and you're in a ninja movie. Don't be surprised if you get hit with a shuriken. That's all I'm gonna say about that. The luxury that the actor actually has right here is, nobody knows what it really looks like to die after getting hit with a shuriken in the chest. So no one's gonna look at it and say, "No no, I got hit with a shuriken in the chest before. "That's not the way you die." So in my opinion, the actor should have used that and just made it real.

Venarius: Oh really?

Anthony Gilardi: Any kind of kung fu movie, I always try to cut a little bit of slack, but this one...

I mean Denzel's Denzel, man. I mean, you gotta love Denzel. Don't underestimate how powerful of a moment those eyes are, how powerful those eyes are in telling the story. No words, no nothing. In this story, we don't know if he's a human being, a supreme being, an angel, a devil. He gets shot, is he gonna die? Is he gonna be resurrected right here before our eyes? Is he gonna just jump up and say, "I don't die."

And the thing I love about what Denzel is doing right here is he is painting the picture that he's not even sure. Look at those eyes. He's saying to himself, using his inner monologue, which is an amazing technique that the best actors in the world have perfected, including Denzel. Am I dying, am I gonna live, can I die? With the confusion in his eyes, we're on the edge of our seats waiting to see what's going to happen next. Whether he dies or whether he lives, we are going to marvel in the moment either way.


Carnegie: God is good, is he not?

Anthony Gilardi: Now we have something that has gone viral.

It looks like the ''70s, slow motion, music, and here we go. Just picture what the scene looks like on the set as they're shooting it. Later on, we're gonna see clips of slow motion shots that work. This does not work.

Anthony Gilardi: Now what the actors did wrong, in my strong opinion here, is they simply didn't just die. Campy, yes, maybe funny even, but I guarantee when they made this movie, they didn't say, "Let's shoot a funny dying scene."

So now we're talking about a very very good actor, Sean Bean, known for dying in multiple roles in multiple films. We have his last breath and we get it. I think the actor just tried to do a little bit too much. Bulging your eyes, spitting up blood, trying to hang on, the head tilt, just a little bit too much acting for the moment that we are telling. My hat goes off to the actor, that his craft kept on getting better. I believe this is very early on in his career. I have seen him later on in his career, using the less is more theory to perfection.


We got Jackie Chan. When you have a genre like this, you need to think of it more like a dance, almost more like a musical than a film. And I know that's weird because they're not singing or anything like that, but it's really more about choreography. So if you look at a genre like this as more of a musical, then this scene is actually very very good because it is choreographed in a beautiful way, using physicality in a beautiful way, just like a dancer does. The guy dying on the other hand, the way we have the slow motion and he's grabbing his crotch and he's yelling and his eyes are bulging out of his head, the choreography hides the sins a little bit of the campiness. And believe it or not, I give this one a pass.

Padme: There's good in him. I know there's still-

Anthony Gilardi: Natalie Portman is a victim of the style. They're trying to fit too many things into one scene.

Padme: Luke.

Obi-Wan: It's a girl.


Padme: Leia.

Anthony Gilardi: I'm not a big fan of forcing in dialogue. That definitely is not Natalie Portman's fault, however I think she could've just delivered it in a way that she was struggling and dying instead of making it clear. It's almost like, this baby's name is Luke. Did everybody hear that? This baby's name is Leia, everybody got that? We ready, okay, now it's time for the head tilt and I'm dead. Not a big fan of the classic closing of the eyes, head tilt, now I'm clearly dying. It's a lack of trust in the audience to say that, if your head doesn't tilt here, then we're not gonna realize that this character is dead.

I'll stop this right here. We're talking about the death of a character that has just been involved in pageantry. It's literally the opposite of what I was saying earlier when I was saying less is more with death. And, in this case, Nicole Kidman does a really good job.

Satine: I'm sorry, Christian.

Christian: I love you.


Anthony Gilardi: I would usually very very much dislike a moment like this, the smile, and the makeup, the perfection of somebody dying which most of the time does not work, but I take things story by story. And I think that, if she went even bigger, I still think it would've worked.

Satine: I'll always be with you.

Anthony Gilardi: 99 out of 100 times, I would say, smiling as you're dying will not work. With this character in this moment, I don't even want to say she gets a pass for smiling during her death. I think that it was a good choice. I think it was a strong acting choice and she committed to it and it's a testament to the storytellers understanding the story that they're telling.

Mary Corleone: Dad?

Anthony Gilardi: I'm gonna make this very very short. Being Italian-American, to a lot of us, including me, Godfather III should not have happened. I feel that Godfather I and Godfather II should've just been left alone. The death scenes in Godfather I and Godfather II were as real, simple and as close to perfection as can be. That is weak and campy in a story that should not be weak and campy. So to me, I go directly into denial and Godfather III simply didn't happen. This never happened, it doesn't exist. Doesn't exist.


Peter: We won, Mr. Stark!

Anthony Gilardi: We get a nice, beautiful closeup of Robert Downey Jr. He makes his peace with his love interest. He makes his peace with his protege and now, he's supposed to have that moment of inner monologue. Do I wanna die? Do I wanna live? Now, I feel that Iron man in this moment accepts the fact that he's going to die, which I love that choice. I think that it should've been internalized more than externalized. We go back to Denzel dying in "Book of Eli." The character has inner monologue. We stop right there on Denzel's eyes. We know what he's thinking. We know he's confused, so we get sucked in. Denzel internalized the moment and it showed up externally, and I think that if Robert Downey Jr, because he's such a great actor, internalized the moment, it would have showed up externally as well and it would've been a much more powerful moment.

You see the reactions of the other characters. We pan back to him and he's dead. See this shot right here? Falls into the category of the head tilt, the eyes, the closing of the eyes, the not closing of the eyes. I think that the moment that he has with his love interest and the moment that he has with his protege was strong enough, should've been left right there.

Pepper: We're gonna be okay.

Green Goblin: Peter, don't tell Harry.


Anthony Gilardi: Another very very good actor, elite actor.

Green Goblin: Godspeed, Spiderman.

Anthony Gilardi: They clearly wanted this scene to go this way. The actor just goes limp, but of course, has something to say.

Green Goblin: Peter, don't tell Harry.

Anthony Gilardi: Willem Dafoe, it's really difficult for me to cut him slack because I know that he's a better actor than this. I think, in this scene, what happened was, the storytellers have a tough time between deciding is, are we gonna make a movie out of this? Is it gonna be dark or are we gonna use the comic book version of these moments? Then, let's make it look like a comic book coming to life. Either way will work. It just needs to be consistent. A lotta times, actors get caught up in between. I think, in this case, it's dark, it's death, it's drama, and then they try to add like, almost like a cartoon element to it at the same time.


Anthony Gilardi: Now we go back to the Jackie Chan film where they were consistent. We are not gonna pretend it's anything except what it is. So now, all of a sudden, when we see this and Jackie Chan and the guy dying with the bug eyes and stuff like that, we expect it. With Spiderman, Green Goblin, the problem was, they didn't decide which way we're going to go with it and because of that, they fell short.

Green Goblin: I had nothing to do with it.

Tony Montana: You think you'll kill me with bullets?

Anthony Gilardi: So the cool thing about this is, he establishes characters so well.

Tony Montana: What do you think I am, huh? Wanna play games? Okay, I'll play with you. Come here.


Anthony Gilardi: We know you can't get shot with 50 bullets and live.

Tony Montana: Who do you think I am, huh?

Anthony Gilardi: Don't underestimate how well of an actor Pacino is, to establish that we're still thinkin' to ourselves, "It's Tony Montana, he's not your average man. "He's not gonna die."

And then, when he dies, it's still a shock, even though he's getting hit with bullets.

He's gonna live, he's gonna live, he's gonna live, he's not gonna die. Oh no.


Anthony Gilardi: Now Nicolas Cage has a kind of style. So Nicolas Cage, in this moment, is doin' his Nicolas Cage thing. This is a very very cool story up until this point, when I see Nicolas Cage dying' instead of the character dying.

Sgt. Enders: Our Lord is with me.

Anthony Gilardi: I think that is the problem with this one. If I look at the scene and I see the Nicolas Cage from "Moonstruck," if I see the Nicolas Cage from "Peggy Sue Got Married," it's gonna bring me out of it. I should see this character in this moment dying, nothing else.

Anthony Gilardi: So, to our hero, Elias is like the good angel on his shoulder, but now we're seeing the good angel die.

Willem Dafoe, now we saw him earlier with the Green Goblin, and I feel that the genre kinda got caught between an action film and a comic book film. In this case, it's very very clear. This is an out-and-out drama. This is probably as serious of a drama as a film has ever been.


When he raises his arms, now we see an angel ascending back into Heaven. And now the slow motion works. Again, 99 out of 100 times, I would say something like, it's too dramatic, it's too much. Does he need his arms raised like this? Well, because it caters towards the story, he's supposed to be like an angel dying. And so, it works in this case.

There's amazing interviews with Dafoe talking about the challenges that he had on the set. So, if you look closely to it, in his left hand, he actually has a squib detonator. And he is pressing the button to make the squibs look like little explosions that look like bullets hitting him. He's actually controlling that himself. You can see the wire coming out of his hand going into his vest that has all the squibs, that this actor had all these challenges in this moment right here and still executed was a testament to his passion as a storyteller. I admire this moment so much.

Ah, here we go. Samuel L. Jackson, who I'm a huge fan of, probably the best character actor that ever walked the face of the earth. And, part of the problem with him knowing that he's a great character actor is, sometimes we see the same thing that I'm talking' about with Nicolas Cage, where it is, all right, I'm gonna do my Samuel L. Jackson thing. A lotta people go to a Samuel L. Jackson film to see him do his thing. And that's cool, I can totally totally see that, but anytime I'm watching an actor that takes me out of the story, this death was way too dragged out, way too dramatic for this particular film. Samuel L. Jackson's character falls off the balcony onto the floor. He falls to his death, but he doesn't just fall to his death. He still has something to say.

Valentine: What's up, man? This is the part where you say something really bad, huh?

Eggsy: This ain't that kinda movie, bruv.


Valentine: Perfect.

Anthony Gilardi: Just picture Tony Montana falling off the balcony into the fountain. Somebody comes up to him and he still has more to say.

Valentine: What's up, man?

Anthony Gilardi: I'm not gonna blame it 100% on Samuel L. Jackson. I'm sure that the powers that be wanted him to do that and I totally see why they cast him for that. I simply think that this death scene does not work.

Valentine: I can't watch this.


Darth Vader: Luke, help me take this mask off.

Luke: But, you'll die.

Darth Vader: Nothing can stop that now.

Anthony Gilardi: Now Luke slowly takes off the helmet and we are left with Humpty Dumpty.

- You were right about me. Tell your sister you were right.


Anthony Gilardi: I think the scene doesn't work because it completely takes us out of the moment when you see Humpty Dumpty like this with a giant gash in his head.

Luke: Father, I won't leave you.

Anthony Gilardi: This is not on the actor. The actor did a real good job of looking right in the eyes of his son in a very very apologetic way. He's apologizing for the fact that Luke had to grow up without a father. So I give the actors big big props for doing his best, but I think his hands were tied, and I think that no matter what, the moment wasn't gonna work no matter what.

Darth Vader: You underestimate the power of the dark side.

Anthony Gilardi: The character of Caesar that Joaquin Phoenix is playing, he thinks in his mind that he is going to live. Very much like Denzel Washington earlier, you can see the inner monologue in Joaquin Phoenix's eyes.


We don't need music to help the story. We don't need slow motion. We don't need anything. You see him, it's almost like he's saying, "No, no, it's not supposed to be this way. "I'm Caesar, I'm an emperor. "Emperors don't die, I set it up so I don't die. "I don't understand what's going on."

And as the knife goes into his heart, we still see the misunderstanding of what is happening. We still see him trying to fight. As bad of a character as he is, as far as he's the bad guy in the story, I think he had a very very noble death. Up until this moment, we have seen Joaquin Phoenix's character be weak, insecure, have a complex, and we don't see a lot of real fight in this character up until this point. This is the most fight, in death, that we've ever seen this character have in life.

And I think that is an amazing choice for an actor, because now, when he dies, we're less likely to say, "Good, that character is dead and I'm glad that he's dead." We're more likely to say, "Man, that character was misunderstood." Now I'm telling you right now, if audience members are thinking that in their head, even if they're doing it subliminally, we have told an amazing story, and that's what great actors do. This is probably as good of a death scene, as far as acting goes, as you're ever going to see.

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