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25 details you probably missed in 'The Kissing Booth 3'

Erin Ajello   

25 details you probably missed in 'The Kissing Booth 3'
The bucket list is extremely detailed.Netflix
  • Netflix's "The Kissing Booth 3" is full of fun details, background gems, and continuity errors.
  • There are several callbacks to the previous movies, including repeated costumes and jewelry.
  • Elle and Lee's beach bucket list has inconsistencies and seems to change throughout the movie.

There was a similar map at the beginning of the second and third movies.

There was a similar map at the beginning of the second and third movies.
Both movies included an illustrated map.      Netflix

"The Kissing Booth 2" and "The Kissing Booth 3" start with catch-up montages of what the main characters have been up to since the previous movie ended. In both movies' montages, there are similar-looking illustrated maps of California.

The map in "The Kissing Booth 3" also shows Lee's blue-and-white Mustang and Noah's motorcycle driving up and down the coast.

The main characters somehow watch a sunset at 6:00 p.m. even though it's late spring.

The main characters somehow watch a sunset at 6:00 p.m. even though it
Sunsets usually happen much later in the spring and summer.      Netflix

During the opening montage of the movie, Elle says that during their trip around California, they watch a beautiful sunset on the beach.

But Elle gets a call during the scene and the clock on her phone says it's only 6:16 p.m. The average California sunset time in late spring/early summer when the scene takes place is actually closer to 8:00 p.m.

Noah and Elle talk about moving in together, but freshmen have to live on campus at Harvard.

Noah and Elle talk about moving in together, but freshmen have to live on campus at Harvard.
First-year students have to live on campus at Harvard.      Netflix

At the beginning of the movie, Noah tells Elle that he thinks they should get an apartment together in Boston if she goes to Harvard, and she quickly agrees to the idea.

But according to the Harvard website, first-year students have to live on campus.

Lee jumps into the pool the same way he did in the first movie.

Lee jumps into the pool the same way he did in the first movie.
He jumped from the second floor of the house.      Netflix

Just like in "The Kissing Booth," Lee makes a surprise entrance in the third movie by jumping off the second floor of his family's mansion into their in-ground pool.

A tablet and phone get pretty wet when Lee jumps into the pool.

A tablet and phone get pretty wet when Lee jumps into the pool.
They don't seem very concerned about how wet the electronics got.      Netflix

As Lee is running to jump into the pool, Noah and Elle protest and duck to avoid the splash. But they probably should've done more to protect the tablet and phone next to them, which get hit by a full shower of water.

The movie seems to take place in 2019.

The movie seems to take place in 2019.
Based on the calendar, it seems to be 2019.      Netflix

When Lee shows Rachel the schedule he made so they could organize times to meet once they go off to their different colleges, the dates on the calendar seem to imply that the movie isn't taking place in 2021.

On the August calendar, Labor Day weekend is the last weekend of the month, which hasn't happened since 2019.

Noah and Elle wear their leather jackets from the previous movies.

Noah and Elle wear their leather jackets from the previous movies.
Riding motorcycles becomes a significant part of their relationship.      Netflix

Noah can be seen wearing his leather jacket throughout every movie in the series, and he gives Elle a similar one during the opening montage of the second movie.

The two both wear their jackets when they ride on Noah's motorcycle together at the end of the second movie, and they're matching again at the beginning of "The Kissing Booth 3."

Elle has her own room at the Flynn family beach house.

Elle has her own room at the Flynn family beach house.
The room is even decorated with a collage of baby pictures of Elle.      Netflix

When they arrive at the Flynns' beach house, Elle, Noah, and Lee all go up to their respective bedrooms.

It makes sense that Elle would've spent a lot of time there since she's been best friends with Lee her whole life, but it's a little odd that she has her own entire room at the house.

It's even filled with childhood momentos and photos of her at all ages.

There are plenty of well-known board games shown at the beach house.

There are plenty of well-known board games shown at the beach house.
There are name-brand toys and games in the house.      Netflix

While cleaning out the beach house, Elle and Lee find plenty of old games and toys.

When Lee first opens the closet, Monopoly can be spotted on the bottom shelf next to the doors. Scrabble, Clue, and Sorry are also on shelves.

Skydiving wasn't actually on the original bucket list.

Skydiving wasn
There were only 22 items on the original list, but sky diving is listed as number 23 in the montage.      Netflix

When Elle finds the epic beach bucket list she and Lee made when they were younger, she holds it up so that all 22 items are clearly visible. She also later types it up on the computer, and it's even easier for viewers to read all the things on the list.

But during the montage of them checking off the tasks, they go skydiving, which wasn't on the list at all. It's also labeled as number 23, but there were only 22 items on the list.

The closest thing to skydiving on the original list was "fly in squirrel suits," which we never get to see them do.

Elle sets a daily reminder to call Berkeley before 5 p.m. despite only needing to do it once.

Elle sets a daily reminder to call Berkeley before 5 p.m. despite only needing to do it once.
She only needs to call the admissions office once.      Netflix

Both Berkeley and Harvard attempt to call Elle at the beginning of the movie to find out if she'll be attending in the fall.

She successfully dodges the calls until Berkeley uses a blocked number, and then she's forced to make a decision by the end of the next day.

When the reminder alarm she set goes off the next day, it's marked as a "daily" task, but presumably, Elle will only need to call them once.

We never actually see or hear Elle formally accept her Harvard admission.

We never actually see or hear Elle formally accept her Harvard admission.
We only see her call Berkeley to decline admission there.      Netflix

After putting it off as long as she could, Elle calls Berkeley to give her final decision.

She then grabs Noah to tell him that she's going to Harvard in the fall, which leads to lots of drama with Lee, who wanted her to go to Berkeley.

But in all the chaos, we never actually see Elle call Harvard and accept the admission offer.

Rule number 18 appeared in the other movies as well.

Rule number 18 appeared in the other movies as well.
The rules play a big role in all the movies.      Netflix

Elle and Lee's friendship rules are scattered throughout the movie series, but number 18 "always be happy for your bestie's successes" made an appearance in all three films.

In "The Kissing Booth 3," the rule is called into question after Elle gets into Harvard.

Previously, Elle invoked it in the first movie because she wanted Lee to be happy for her and Noah, and Lee did the same to her when he got closer with Rachel in the second movie.

Lee probably spent thousands of dollars on a comic book.

Lee probably spent thousands of dollars on a comic book.
The issue sells for thousands of dollars.      Netflix

During the first big party at the beach house, Lee meets a guy who goes to Berkeley, and they hit it off immediately, partially because of their mutual love for Spider-Man.

During the party, Lee's wearing a shirt with a picture of a "Spider-Man" comic on it. He also says he drove 600 miles for a copy of "The Amazing Spider-Man 3," which is a coveted collector's issue that has sold for anywhere from $900 to $57,000 depending on the condition.

The capitalizations on the beach bucket list are inconsistent.

The capitalizations on the beach bucket list are inconsistent.
There's very little consistency across the list.      Netflix

When Elle types out the beach bucket list, there doesn't seem to be a lot of reason behind which words and items are capitalized.

For example, the first one is written as "WIN a Sandcastle Contest," and a later one reads "WIN a PIE-EATING CONTEST."

Some items, like "FLASH MOB," are in all caps, but others, like "Sumo Wrestling," aren't.

The characters fill their schedules as if summer is over after June.

The characters fill their schedules as if summer is over after June.
Somehow they accomplished a ton of things in June.      Netflix

Most high-school graduations happen in late May or early June, which is where the movie starts.

Based on the intro montage, Elle says they took a week-long trip up to Northern California near Big Sur and to San Francisco. The road trip is only about five hours from LA, but a week still feels like a short amount of time to fit all the activities she lists in.

Then by the end of the first week of June, they've moved into the beach house for the summer.

The majority of the rest of the movie takes between the second week of June and July 5, which doesn't seem like nearly enough time for all the time-extensive bucket-list items they check off, especially since Elle is also supposedly working as a waitress.

Most colleges don't start until mid to late August, so they probably had time to spread out their summer activities and enjoy them a little more — which also would've helped Elle balance everything on her plate.

Elle calls the OMG Girls "b----es" like they previously asked her to.

Elle calls the OMG Girls "b----es" like they previously asked her to.
The OMG Girls return in the third movie.      Netflix

The OMG Girls, Olivia, Mia, and Gwyneth, are in every movie of the series.

During the first movie, when they eat lunch with Elle, they ask her to call them "b----es."

When the group arrives at the beach-house party in the third movie, that's exactly how Elle greets them at the door.

Elle wears the same necklace from the second movie.

Elle wears the same necklace from the second movie.
Her necklace doesn't appear to change.      Netflix

In both the second and third films, Elle wears a simple oval necklace with a round, opal-looking stone.

This is also similar to a circular necklace with a blue stone that she wears in the first movie.

Although they didn't specify it in the second movie, Chloe is older than Noah.

Although they didn
Chloe is a few years older than Noah.      Netflix

Chloe was introduced as one of Noah's college friends in the second movie, but her age was never specified.

When Noah and Chloe talk on the beach in the third movie though, she says she's 23, which makes her about three or four years older than Noah, who just finished up his freshman year of college.

Chloe and Elle seem to play the same video game Elle played in the first movie.

Chloe and Elle seem to play the same video game Elle played in the first movie.
Video games become very important in the third movie.      Netflix

After getting drunk at a party in the first movie, Elle plays a fighting video game.

She plays what appears to be the same game in the third film with Chloe while Noah and Brad hang out by the pool.

Lee finally gets revenge on Noah for the wedgie he gave him when they were kids.

Lee finally gets revenge on Noah for the wedgie he gave him when they were kids.
Lee finally got his revenge.      Netflix

During a childhood montage of Elle and Lee in the first movie, Noah gives Lee an atomic wedgie.

Lee isn't able to get Noah back until the third film when he gives Noah a wedgie to cross the item off the bucket list.

Elle evidently deleted her entire texting history with Noah after their breakup.

Elle evidently deleted her entire texting history with Noah after their breakup.
She doesn't have any previous messages in the chat.      Netflix

When Elle finally gets the courage to reach out to Noah about setting up a surprise gift for his mom after their breakup, her message is the first one listed in the conversation, indicating that she'd deleted their entire texting history.

The clock on Elle's phone is inconsistent.

The clock on Elle
Sometimes the time isn't there at all.      Netflix

When Elle checks her phone throughout the movie, the clock at the top of the screen is only sometimes there.

Even when she's on the same screen, like text messages, there are times when the clock is there and others when it's disappeared.

Elle's phone has the same case and stickers as the previous movie.

Her phone case didn't change.      Netflix

When Elle texts Lee at the end of the third movie, viewers can see that she still has the same mint phone case and rainbow popsicle sticker that she did in the second movie.

Lee's stuff magically disappears from his car as he's driving away to Berkeley.

The surfboard disappears and reappears in his car.      Netflix

When Lee says goodbye to Elle at the end of the movie, his car is all packed and ready to go to Berkeley.

As he pulls out of the driveway, his surfboard is visibly sticking out of the passenger seat of his car along with a few bags. But as he starts to pull down the street, his car looks empty.

Then when he's farther away — and the past versions of him are hanging out the back seat — his surfboard is clearly sticking out again.


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