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21 questions we have before the season 10 finale of 'The Walking Dead'

21 questions we have before the season 10 finale of 'The Walking Dead'
Is Beta going to survive the season? When will see Maggie again? Sunday's "The Walking Dead" leaves fans with a lot of questions.Jace Downs, Gene Page, Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
  • Warning: There are major spoilers ahead for season 10, episode 15 of "The Walking Dead," "The Tower."
  • The long-delayed "TWD" finale is finally airing on Sunday, October 4, 2020.
  • The last episode, which aired in April, showed Aaron and Alden caught by a group of Whisperers.
  • Beta just discovered the secret tower where the survivors fled Alexandria to hide.
  • Before the finale airs, here are the many questions the show left unanswered in April, including what will become of the survivors and whether or not Beta will survive the finale.

Are we ever going to get a definitive answer on whether or not Connie is alive?

Are we ever going to get a definitive answer on whether or not Connie is alive?
While Carol made it out of the cave on season 10, episode nine, Connie and Magna were both trapped.      Jace Downs/AMC

It's now been six episodes since we've last seen Connie (Lauren Ridloff) and we have no idea whether or not she's alive on "TWD."

We know Connie made it out of the cave. Magna (Nadia Hilker) made that clear when she returned back to the Hilltop on season 10, episode 12 and hid among the Whisperer horde.

"We kept pushing, searching, took a turn, and before we knew it we were in the herd. Connie and I moved together. The sickos pushed forward, got between us," said Magna.

"And her hand, her hand just slipped out of mine and I couldn't find her again," she added.

We're thinking we may need to wait until the finale for a concrete answer on what happened to Connie. When Insider spoke with showrunner Angela Kang, she told us we'd get a definitive answer to Connie's disappearance one way or the other.

"I'll say that we will get a definitive answer at some point on both of them," Kang told Insider earlier this season.

Is Daryl going to find out Rick's possibly alive?

Is Daryl going to find out Rick
Judith came pretty close to telling Daryl and then backed off.      Jackson Lee Davis/AMC

At the end of Sunday's episode, it almost looked like Judith was going to tell Uncle Daryl that Michonne was off searching for Rick. But then she held back.

It seemed like Judith was afraid that Daryl may leave her, too, if he knew there was a chance Rick was alive. It will be interesting to see if Judith keeps that secret to herself.

It could be argued that the moment Daryl and the others learn that Rick may be alive could serve as the impetus to dive into the first "TWD" movie, which is currently unscheduled.

Is Daryl ever going to say he has feelings for either Carol or Connie?

Is Daryl ever going to say he has feelings for either Carol or Connie?
Donnie and Caryl shippers are torn over who they want to see Daryl paired with on the show.      Gene Page/AMC, Kirsten Acuna/Insider composite

At the start of the season, Carol was trying to nudge Daryl about whether or not there was something there between him and Connie.

More recently, Negan referred to Carol as his girlfriend and Daryl didn't have a response or witty comeback. For years, fans have "shipped" Carol and Daryl on the series and, more recently, other fans have rooted for Connie and Daryl to become a couple.

It's unclear whether or not we'll ever see Daryl in any sort of romantic relationship on the series.

While speaking with Insider in October, Norman Reedus said he has read his character as asexual in the past.

"I've gotten a lot of fan mail thanking me for being asexual," said Reedus, who did not say Daryl is asexual.

When are Carol and Daryl going to have a conversation about Negan?

When are Carol and Daryl going to have a conversation about Negan?
Daryl and Carol need to lay everything out and have a heart-to-heart.      Jackson Lee Davis/AMC

Daryl knows Carol withheld information from him about Negan and he can't feel good about that.

On the mid-season premiere in February, Daryl told Carol she needed to be straight with him. He outright asked her if there was anything else she was keeping from him and she claimed there wasn't. Their next conversation is set to be an emotional one.

Were the communities holed up at the same location where Beth was killed on season five?

Were the communities holed up at the same location where Beth was killed on season five?
Yes, these two buildings are one and the same.      AMC

Yes and no. If the tower location for Sunday's episode looked familiar, that's because it was the outside was filmed at the same spot where Beth was being held hostage on season five.

The locations are meant to be two different places though. Take a look at the Emergency sign on Sunday's episode. If you revisit the season five finale, no such sign exists on the hospital where Beth was locked up.

Beth was in a hospital located in Atlanta, Georgia. The survivors are currently located in Virginia. Beta did not make the trek from Alexandria, Virginia, to Atlanta in one episode.

It would have been a cool Easter egg to find out that the people who stayed behind at the hospital didn't survive years later after Rick asked them to join their group.

Are Aaron and Alden going to make it through the season alive?

Are Aaron and Alden going to make it through the season alive?
It's not looking great for these two.      AMC

At the end of the episode, Aaron and Alden are surrounded by Beta's Whisperer horde and it doesn't look like they have the means to escape.

In the comics, Beta goes up against Aaron and Jesus in a climactic fight that results in the swift, quick death of the Whisperer villain. Aaron and Jesus both make it out unscathed.

That's clearly not going to happen here as the end of Sunday's episode shows Beta leading a group to the hideout where the survivors are staked out.

And we're glad about that.

Beta wasn't in the comics for long at all. This new twist on the comics is keeping fans on their toes.

As for Alden and Aaron, we're kind of in uncharted territory from the comics. The two could fight their way out against the Whisperers or maybe only one of them will.

Is Beta going to make it through the season alive?

Is Beta going to make it through the season alive?
Beta's now wearing the masks of both Alpha and his former best friend. It's obvious that Beta's kind of losing his marbles.      Jackson Lee Davis/AMC

Again, Beta would have been dead at this point in the comic. He's clearly not in the best mental state by the end of Sunday's episode. He's not dealing with the death of Alpha all too well and he's starting to hear voices. (He literally thought one of the undead was speaking to him on Sunday's episode.)

We'd hate to see Ryan Hurst leave the series. He and Samantha Morton have been scene-stealers and helped inject a bit of horror onto the show after the departure of Andrew Lincoln. But showrunner Angela Kang has also proven that she knows how to keep a story moving while not dragging storylines out for the most part.

Don't be surprised if the season 10 finale is Beta's swan song. We just hope we get to see him go up against Negan, Daryl, or both of them.

Are we ever going to see Beta take off his mask?

Are we ever going to see Beta take off his mask?
Beta hides his face because he's a famous musician.      Jace Downs/AMC

That's the $64,000 question. We've seen Beta's country singer face revealed this season on vinyl records. We've also seen part of his face revealed after Gamma ripped it in half.

We know he's hiding his identity because he's a very well-known celebrity. It would be interesting if his face was revealed during the culmination of the Whisperer War and to see reactions from the people who followed him as well as the other communities.

We already know Magna was apparently a fan of his music. She was seen listening to one of Beta's albums earlier on season 10.

Someone's going to die on this finale, right?

Father Gabe has long outlived his comic arc.      AMC

Comic fans were probably a bit nervous when they saw the title of season 10, episode 15 was called "The Tower."

In the comics, Father Gabriel dies while keeping a lookout for the Whisperer horde in issue No. 158. He trips, falling from the tower, snapping his ankle, and gets stuck hanging upside down. In one of the comic's most brutal deaths, Beta finds Father Gabriel and guts him with his knife across the middle.

He then leaves him to be eaten by members of his undead horde.

We're unsure whether or not we'll see this death play out on screen. We've already had a reference to this exact death before on season eight, episode seven.

What did Carol write to Maggie?

What did Carol write to Maggie?
It seemed like Carol may have been looking for Maggie's help with Alpha, but clearly she has that part under control.      Jace Downs/AMC

On season 10, episode 14, Alpha's vision vaguely mentions that Carol wrote a letter to Maggie about her.

Was she seeking Maggie's advice or help on getting rid of the Whisperers? That's currently unclear. Melissa McBride wouldn't elaborate on her letter to Maggie either so it's probably some sort of spoiler.

Are we going to see Maggie before this season's over?

Are we going to see Maggie before this season
Showrunner Angela Kang teased to Insider we could see Cohan on season 10 and there's one episode left.      Jackson Lee Davis/AMC

At 2019's New York Comic Con, Lauren Cohan jumped on stage to surprise fans and announce her return to "TWD" as a series regular on season 11.

But it looks like we're going to see her before then. Showrunner Angela Kang teased to Insider back in October that we may see Cohan turn up at some point in season 10.

Cohan previously made a quiet departure from the show on the same episode as Andrew Lincoln on season nine. The unannounced exit upset longtime fans of the series so it's a huge boon to see her back.

What about Eduardo or Kal? Are we ever seeing either of them again along with Georgie?

What about Eduardo or Kal? Are we ever seeing either of them again along with Georgie?
Eduardo and Kal were two minor characters on the show that fans have been asking about for a while.      Gene Page/AMC

Eduardo and Kal were two of Maggie's top men at the Hilltop. We haven't seen them since Maggie left to be with Georgie.

Insider asked showrunner Angela Kang if we can expect to see any of the three return in the future now that we know Maggie will be back.

"We will see Maggie back, and then beyond that, can't get into characters," Kang told us in February. "We'll definitely see Maggie back. And I think any characters who were out there that we haven't seen, there's always the possibility they could come back, but it has to be for a reason."

Is Eugene going to meet Stephanie on the finale?

Is Eugene going to meet Stephanie on the finale?
Can we just let Eugene be happy?      Jace Downs/AMC

Eugene (Josh McDermitt) is on a race against time to meet, quite possibly, the love of his life and radio pal, Stephanie.

Eugene has been a bit lonely in the zombie apocalypse since losing his friend Abraham and seeing Rosita, the woman he had feelings for, have a child with Siddiq while starting a relationship with another man.

For the first time in a long time, Stephanie (Margot Bingham) has been someone to bring a smile to Eugene's face.

"I think he felt like he knew her," McDermitt told Insider in November of Eugene's first radio conversation with Stephanie. "They've been talking through the night, sharing details of their past lives, and they know a lot about each other."

"If he was content with still pining for Rosita or if there was another person, or if he was just kind of cool with being alone, he might not have pushed as hard," McDermitt said of Eugene being open with his radio friend.

Is Stephanie a member of the Commonwealth like in the comics, a part of the CRM, or something else?

Is Stephanie a member of the Commonwealth like in the comics, a part of the CRM, or something else?
The Commonwealth has already been teased on "TWD" and may be Georgie's community where Maggie has been holding up.      AMC

One of the biggest concerns of Eugene's friends is that Stephanie is a member of another group.

In the comics, we learn Stephanie is part of a community called the Commonwealth. It's a large community full of tens of thousands of people in Ohio.

TV show Stephanie's community is located in West Virginia. It's unclear at the moment whether or not Stephanie's community is the Commonwealth or if it may tie-in to one of the groups on the spin-off "Fear the Walking Dead." The group could also be part of the CRM, which is supposed to be connected to the upcoming third "TWD" series, "World Beyond."

The kicker is that we don't even know if "TWD" will be incorporating the Commonwealth storyline at all. It's the final storyline to occur in the comic series before it came to its abrupt end in 2019.

Is Ezekiel's cancer going to be treated at some point?

Is Ezekiel
It's not completely clear how many people are aware of Ezekiel's diagnosis.      Jace Downs/AMC

Let's be clear. Ezekiel's not doing too hot.

Yes, he's showing a brave face, but on Sunday's episode, we saw he's struggling with thyroid cancer. Here's to hoping that Stephanie's community has some doctors.

If they are part of the mysterious CRM group who took Rick away in season nine, then it seems likely they may have some medical equipment on hand. Anne seemed to believe they could help save Rick, after all.

Are we going to see Virgil again?

Are we going to see Virgil again?
Does Virgil have some larger role to play?      Eliza Morse/AMC

We're just saying, Kevin Carroll seems like too big of an actor to only appear in a handful of "TWD" episodes.

"I think the notion of more Virgil might be a function of how well he connects to the collective. At this point, I'll be watching to see if I get any clues as to which way to 'walk' as I see the rest of the season," Carroll told CinemaBlend.

What was that large caravan Michonne had seen on her final episode of "TWD"?

What was that large caravan Michonne had seen on her final episode of "TWD"?
The large mass of people resembled something like the Gold Rush of 1849.      AMC

"We coordinated with [chief content officer of 'TWD' universe] Scott Gimple on what he needed the end point in the episode to be in order to set up the handoff to the TWD Universe," showrunner Angela Kang told Insider via email.

"TWD" was getting ready to kick off its latest spin-off series in April, "World Beyond," which may have given some more clues about this larger universe.

However, because of the coronavirus, the show has been put on hold until later this year. It's expected the limited two-season series will provide more answers on the mystery helicopter that took Rick on season nine. It may also provide more detail on this large mass of people.

Is Michonne going to keep up her routine of checking in with Judith daily?

Is Michonne going to keep up her routine of checking in with Judith daily?
Michonne said she'd try to radio Judith every day.      AMC

Michonne told Judith she was going to check in with her once every morning for as long as she could. We already saw Daryl try to unsuccessfully get ahold of her.

We're sure the show will incorporate Michonne into the writing the same way it mentioned Maggie since Cohan's absence. Characters would often discuss receiving letters from Maggie. We could see Judith telling Daryl or others that she spoke to her mom off-screen.

Are the communities ever going to forgive Negan?

Are the communities ever going to forgive Negan?
Negan's still one of the public enemies on "TWD."      Jace Downs/AMC

Carol told Negan if he helped her kill Alpha that she would make sure everyone in the communities knew. As we know, she hasn't really kept true to her word so far.

Instead, Lydia told Negan that everyone wished he died along with Alpha. Ouch.

Many fans aren't sure if Negan's worthy of redemption. It seems like many people in Alexandria, the Hilltop, and Oceanside are of the same belief.

What's interesting is that Negan's storyline pretty much ends at this point in the comics. After he kills Alpha, Negan decides to go off on his own and live his own solitary life in a house for the rest of his days. He's not seen again until the final issue of "TWD."

Where is Cyndie, the leader of Oceanside?

Where is Cyndie, the leader of Oceanside?
Cyndie (Sydney Park) has barely been a part of season 10.      Gene Page/AMC

Just wondering. We haven't seen her in a while.

Maybe Cyndie will get some attention on one of the bonus season 10 episodes that are expected to come in early 2021.

Is Princess really someone who can be trusted?

Is Princess really someone who can be trusted?
Princess seems likable enough, but trusting newcomers is tough in the zombie apocalypse.      Jace Downs/AMC

Princess tells Ezekiel, Yumiko, and Eugene that she's been on her own for at least a year because she was told she's "hard to love."

Is there something deeper brewing beneath the surface to raise concerns or is Princess just someone who needs some good people on her side?

"I think we have to wait [to find out]," Paola Lázaro, who plays Princess, told Insider.


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