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18 details you might have missed in 'The Good Place' series finale

18 details you might have missed in 'The Good Place' series finale
EntertainmentEntertainment1 min read
Chidi, Janet, and Eleanor in Paris in "The Good Place" series finale.NBC
  • NBC's "The Good Place" came to an end this year with a fourth and final season.
  • We've rounded up all the best details, references, callbacks, and cameos from the series finale, "Whenever You're Ready" here.
  • Many of these come from the official podcast for "The Good Place," hosted by Marc Evan Jackson.
  • "The Good Place" creator Mike Schur also revealed some of his favorite jokes in an interview with Insider.

NBC's comedy series "The Good Place" came to an end with an incredibly moving and emotional fourth season finale. From the beginning, creator Mike Schur and his crew put extra care into crafting fun background jokes and Easter eggs. We've rounded up the best of those details here.

But now we're here to take a closer look at just the extra-long series finale, titled "Whenever You're Ready." Many of these details were revealed on the official podcast for "The Good Place," hosted by Marc Evan Jackson. Others were revealed to Insider by Schur himself in our interview, which you can read here.

Let's take a look at the 18 best details you might have missed in the series finale of "The Good Place."

Real-life professor Pamela Hieronymi and philosopher Todd May were consultants on the show and had cameos in the finale.

Real-life professor Pamela Hieronymi and philosopher Todd May were consultants on the show and had cameos in the finale.
Pamela Hieronymi (far left) and Todd May (center) in "The Good Place" series finale.      NBC

At the start of the finale episode, Chidi is overseeing a moral philosophy class in the Good Place. Two of his "students" are none other than UCLA professor Pamela Hieronymi and modern philosopher Todd May.

Both Hieronymi and May have been credited consultants for "The Good Place" since its inception, helping shape the show's explanations of moral and ethical philosophy concepts.

Nick Offerman was playing himself during the chair-making scene with Tahani.

Nick Offerman was playing himself during the chair-making scene with Tahani.
Jameela Jamil and Nick Offerman in the series finale of "The Good Place."      Colleen Hayes/NBC

As revealed in the episode's credits, actor Nick Offerman (who is a woodworking craftsman in real life) was making that cameo appearance as himself.

Some fans thought he might have been representing his character Ron Swanson from Mike Schur's other NBC comedy series, "Parks and Recreation." In earlier episodes of "The Good Place," there were references to products and names from "Parks and Rec."

But Schur has made it clear that there isn't a literal shared universe between the two shows — only some fun nods through the use of props.

Jeff the doorman had 322 frogs at the start of the episode. The number 322 appeared throughout "The Good Place" as a "dumb reference" to a secret society at Yale.

Jeff the doorman had 322 frogs at the start of the episode. The number 322 appeared throughout "The Good Place" as a "dumb reference" to a secret society at Yale.
in the series finale of "The Good Place."      Colleen Hayes/NBC

The number 322 has shown up several times throughout the series. The first occurrence was when Michael mentioned that Eleanor's Good Place neighborhood (which was really the Bad Place) contained 322 residents.

"That's a dumb reference to the Skull and Bones thing, that secret society at Yale where for some reason that number is significant to them," Schur told Insider in a recent interview. "So it's just one of those mystical numbers that pops up in a bunch of Reddit threads."

It pops up once again in the series finale when Jeff told Michael he had 322 frog-related trinkets.

Jason's perfect game of Madden also referenced the Fibonacci sequence, which has cropped up throughout previous episodes of "The Good Place."

The scoreboard after Jason finished his last-ever game of Madden.      NBC

When first sitting down to write season one, Schur knew that shows like ABC's "Lost" had used iconic number sequences to imbue extra layers of meaning in scenes. So Schur picked the beginning digits of the Fibonacci sequence (1-2-3-5-8) as the Good Place neighborhood's ID number.

The total number of passing yards in Jason's "perfect" game of Madden was 12358.

Pillboi called Jason his Gardner Minshew, aka the quarterback of the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Pillboi called Jason his Gardner Minshew, aka the quarterback of the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Eugene Cordero plays Pillboi in "The Good Place."      NBC

When giving a goodbye speech at Jason's end-of-existence party, Pillboi ended by saying Jason was his "Gardner Minshew."

If you're not a football fan, and more specifically a fan of the Jacksonville Jaguars team, you might not have understood that Pillboi was referring to the current quarterback of the Jaguars.

Jason had a wave on his shirt when he headed to the final door, which is likely a nice nod to the way Chidi describes death later.

Jason had a wave on his shirt when he headed to the final door, which is likely a nice nod to the way Chidi describes death later.
Jason (Manny Jacinto) in the series finale of "The Good Place."      Colleen Hayes/NBC

When Jason walks through the final door, ending his existence, he's wearing a bright blue tracksuit with a T-shirt underneath sporting a wave.

Later on in the episode, Chidi tells Eleanor a metaphor about the end of life, equating someone's time alive to the presence of a wave.

"Picture a wave in the ocean," Chidi said. "You can see it, measure it — its height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through. It's there and you can see it and you know what it is. It's a wave. And then it crashes on the shore, and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be, for a little while."

Having a wave on Jason's shirt is likely a nice allusion to this metaphor.

Trevor the demon (played by Adam Scott) flies in the background behind Michael and Tahani when they visit the afterlife hub.

Trevor the demon (played by Adam Scott) flies in the background behind Michael and Tahani when they visit the afterlife hub.

In season three, the Judge (Maya Rudolph) sent Trevor flying off the walkway into the afterlife void.

"On a number of occasions after that, whenever we would see people walking through the afterlife system on the bridge, we would take the footage we recorded of Adam Scott flying backwards and drop it into the background," Mike Schur told Insider in a recent interview. "We would use his actual scream and put it really delicately in the background."

You can read more about why this was one of Schur's favorite background jokes here.

The bow tie Michael gives Tahani is the same one he wore on his first day as the Bad Place architect.

The bow tie Michael gives Tahani is the same one he wore on his first day as the Bad Place architect.
Jameela Jamil and Ted Danson as Tahani and Michael in "The Good Place."      NBC

Many fans probably noticed how the yellow dress Tahani wore in the finale was the exact same costume she wore in the pilot episode.

But a much more subtle costume callback was Michael's bow tie. When Tahani decided to become a Good Place architect, Michael gifted her the peacock-feathered bow tie he was wearing on the very first day Eleanor arrived in the Good Place.

The street Eleanor and Chidi walked down in Greece was intentionally a visual reference back to the original Good Place neighborhood.

The street Eleanor and Chidi walked down in Greece was intentionally a visual reference back to the original Good Place neighborhood.
Eleanor and Chidi walking through Athens, Greece.      NBC

The cast and crew of "The Good Place" really did travel to Greece and France to film scenes for the finale of the series. When location scouting, Schur and the team realized there was a stretch of road that looked very similar to the cobble-stoned street in the fake Good Place neighborhood from seasons one and two.

The koulouria Chidi and Eleanor were holding in Greece turned into half-eaten croissants when they walked through the door and into Paris.

The koulouria Chidi and Eleanor were holding in Greece turned into half-eaten croissants when they walked through the door and into Paris.
Kristen Bell and William Jackson Harper as Eleanor and Chidi in "The Good Place."      NBC

While in the magical version of Greece that Janet conjured for them, Eleanor and Chidi were snacking on two koulouria (sesame bread rings). Then Janet opened a new door, and they walked into a magical version of Paris, France.

As soon as they stepped through the doors, the koulouria transformed into partially eaten croissants.

After Chidi goes through the door, the show jumps ahead "3.22 Jeremy Bearimy" — another reference to the 322 pattern.

After Chidi goes through the door, the show jumps ahead "3.22 Jeremy Bearimy" — another reference to the 322 pattern.
The title card for the time jump.      NBC

This was the second appearance of 322 in "The Good Place" series finale. Once again, this was a nod to the Skull and Bones society number that Mike Schur liked to plant in the show.

The Judge's T-shirt is a "Friday Night Lights" reference.

The Judge
Maya Rudolph plays the Judge in "The Good Place."      NBC

During one scene with Michael, the Judge is wearing a T-shirt promoting the East Dillon Lions — the fictional football team in the TV show "Friday Night Lights."

Throughout the show, the Judge made references to the shows and podcasts she was bingeing. "Friday Night Lights" was one of her earlier favorites, so this was a fun callback.

The six stripes on Eleanor's sweater represented the six main characters.

The six stripes on Eleanor
D'Arcy Carden and Kristen Bell in "The Good Place."      Colleen Hayes/NBC

This was a costume choice partially inspired by "The Good Place" actor Marc Evan Jackson, who hosts the show's official podcast. Every time Eleanor wore a striped sweater, Jackson and other fans speculated that it had an important meaning.

For Eleanor's final outfit, the one she wore as she walked through the final door, the costume designers thought the six-striped sweater would be a perfect time to finally fulfill that fan theory.

The six stripes on her sweater are a colorful representation of "Team Cockroach": Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, Jason, Janet, and Michael.

The coffee shop Michael visits on Earth was named after two of the show's writers who loved to make fancy coffee.

The coffee shop Michael visits on Earth was named after two of the show
Michael leaving a coffee shop on Earth.      NBC

The store, Murray and Mande's Coffee, has a sign boasting "unnecessarily complicated pourover."

On "The Good Place" podcast, Mike Schur said writers Matt Murray and Joe Mande were the two people in the room who enjoyed making fancy pourover instead of drinking the regular drip coffee from the team's coffeemaker.

Ted Danson's wife Mary Steenburgen played his guitar teacher, continuing a tradition in Mike Schur's shows of spouse cameos.

Ted Danson
Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen in "The Good Place" series finale.      Colleen Hayes/NBC

Throughout Schur's other shows, the husbands and wives of cast members have appeared for small cameos.

In season two of "The Good Place," Kristen Bell's husband Dax Shepard played one of the Bad Place demons. In "The Office," Steve Carrell's wife, Nancy Carrell, played Michael Scott's realtor and short-time girlfriend, Carol. And lastly, in "Parks and Recreation" Amy Poehler's former husband, Will Arnett, played the MRI technician Dave.

The apartment building number where Michael lives on Earth is 12358, another Fibonacci sequence reference.

The apartment building number where Michael lives on Earth is 12358, another Fibonacci sequence reference.
The outside of Michael's apartment building.      Colleen Hayes/NBC

When a stranger comes to return a piece of misdelivered mail to Michael, we see the outside of his apartment building. The number is once again that 1-2-3-5-8 sequence that appears throughout the whole show.

We get one final appearance of "322" as Michael's apartment number.

We get one final appearance of "322" as Michael
Michael laughing outside his apartment.      NBC

You get a glimpse of Michael's apartment number when he's opening the piece of mail that his down-the-street neighbor returned to him.

Michaels last name on Earth is "Realman," and his rewards card letter includes a joke about data collection for targeted ads.

Michaels last name on Earth is "Realman," and his rewards card letter includes a joke about data collection for targeted ads.
The rewards card Michael got from Coyote Joe's Marketplace.      Colleen Hayes/NBC

The first detail in this letter was Michael's last name of "Realman," which is a hilariously obvious fake name.

Then, in the letter, Michael is told that when he uses his rewards card that the company "will be collecting data on everything you buy and making sure that ads are targeted directly to you for all your needs. Fun!"

It later says that they'll need his email, which will allow them "to find you on Facebook and send you targeted ads there."

Hopefully, Michael's time on Earth doesn't devolve into complete technological chaos when he joins Facebook.


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