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15 things you probably didn't know about 'The Exorcist'

Max Kalnitz   

15 things you probably didn't know about 'The Exorcist'
Father Merrin outside the MacNeil home in "The Exorcist."Bettmann/Getty Images
  • Ever since "The Exorcist" was released in 1973, the movie has been regarded as one of the scariest of all time.
  • The movie is based on a novel of the same name, which catalogs the real events of an exorcism in 1949.
  • Mercedes McCambridge, who voiced the demon haunting Regan, relied on a diet of raw eggs, whiskey, and cigarettes to get the raspy voice for the part.
  • "The Exorcist" could have turned out totally different had Stanley Kubrick taken an offer to direct the film.

When "The Exorcist" was released in 1973, it launched horror in a completely new direction and remains one of the most suspenseful, frightening movies in the genre.

The film tells the terrifying story of the exorcism of 12-year-old Regan MacNeil (Linda Blair). When Regan begins to experience incredible night terrors — levitating, breaking out in sores, talking in a low demonic voice, super strength — her mother (Ellen Burstyn) seeks medical help. When that proves unsuccessful, Father Karras (Jason Miller), a local priest, believes she's possessed by the devil. With the help of Father Merrin (Max Van Sydow) the two perform an exorcism and try to save the young girl.

Like every film, there are movie magic tricks, behind-the-scenes stories, and Easter eggs you may not have caught in the movie. Here are 15 surprising and interesting facts you may not have known about "The Exorcist."

"The Exorcist" is based on a true story.

"The Exorcist" is based on a true story.
"The Exorcist" movie poster.      Movie Poster Image Art/Getty Images

"The Exorcist" is based on a novel of the same name written by William Peter Blatty, who based his book on real-life events that happened near Washington, DC, and in St. Louis, Missouri. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, in January 1949, a 14-year-old boy from the DC suburb Mount Rainier, Maryland, began having frightening night terrors during which he'd gain incredible strength, distort his body, and talk as if he was possessed by a demon (all of which was validated by multiple witnesses).

The boy's family tried everything to save their son; they consulted doctors, psychiatrists, and even had an unsuccessful exorcism performed. One night, red welts appeared on his back that spelled out the words "go" and "St. Louis," so the boy's family moved him to St. Louis, Missouri, where they met the Jesuit priests Father Walter Halloran and Rev. William S. Bowdern who performed the famous three-month exorcism portrayed in the movie.

Blatty, who was studying at Georgetown at the time, told the paper that "the '49 case inspired me. It was notoriously publicized in the Washington area. I believe this one was the real thing."

Warner Bros. originally wanted Stanley Kubrick to direct the movie.

Warner Bros. originally wanted Stanley Kubrick to direct the movie.
Stanley Kubrick.      Keith Hamshere/Getty Images

From the beginning William Blatty wanted William Friedkin to interpret his book for the screen. But before Friedkin secured the job as "The Exorcist's" director, Warner Bros. sent a script out to "Clockwork Orange" and "Lolita" director Stanley Kubrick. Friedkin told The Hollywood Reporter in 2013 that Kubrick turned down the role, saying, "I only like to develop my own stuff." Arthur Penn and Mike Nichols also reportedly received offers but both turned down the job.

This reportedly led to a long battle between Blatty and the studio on whether or not they'd hire Friedkin. After his 1971 film "The French Connection" proved successful, Friedkin said Blatty was called into a meeting with executives from Warner who told him: "Bill, we've seen 'The French Connection,' and we want him more than you do now."

The movie almost had an entirely different, star-studded cast.

The movie almost had an entirely different, star-studded cast.
Kitty Winn, Jason Miller, and Linda Blair.      Bettmann/Getty Images

Friedkin told Vice in 2015 that there were a few A-listers who wanted to play the role of Father Karras, but he ultimately decided to go with Jason Miller. Miller was a lesser-known actor but had written the Pulitzer Prize-winning play "The Championship Season," which Friedkin saw during a casting trip to New York.

"There were big stars that wanted to play that part," Friedkin said. "Jack Nicholson, Paul Newman. Many others. And I had an instinct to not hire a star. I did not want to put someone like that in a priest collar."

According to IMDb, the studio wanted Marlon Brando to star as Father Merrin, but Friedkin again declined to go with a less-famous name, in this case to avoid the movie turning into a "Brando movie" instead of his movie.

Linda Blair's mother brought her to audition for the film without an appointment.

Linda Blair
Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn in "The Exorcist."      Mondadori Portfolio/Getty Images

Getting the right actress to play 12-year-old Regan MacNeil was tough for Friedkin because there weren't many young actresses he felt could play such an intense role. Friedkin told NPR in 2013 that he then tried casting 15- and 16-year-old girls instead, but came up empty because he "felt that the experience of doing this film would have damaged most of those young girls."

But then "Linda came in at the very end, when we thought we couldn't make the film. Her mother brought her in to see me without an appointment. ... She was so well-adjusted. She was a straight-A student in Westport, Connecticut. And she was a totally together young girl."

Blair's mother was on set to keep an eye on her daughter and tutors were hired so Blair didn't fall behind in school.

Actor Max Von Sydow, only 44 at the time, required hours of makeup to play the role of elderly Father Merrin.

Actor Max Von Sydow, only 44 at the time, required hours of makeup to play the role of elderly Father Merrin.
Max Von Sydow as Father Merrin.      Archive Photos/Getty Images

During an interview with the American Film Institute, the actor joked, "I was supposed to be so much older than myself. I had to wear so much makeup that when I thought I made a facial reaction, it didn't show."

The film's bedroom set was refrigerated to create authentic clouds of mist when the actors spoke.

The film
Jason Miller breathes an icy breath on the set of "The Exorcist."      Warner Bros./Getty Images

To portray the demon's intensifying grip on Regan, Friedkin refrigerated the bedroom set so he could realistically capture his actor's icy breath, according to the Independent. In the 1970s, the CGI that could easily drop in a cloud of mist didn't exist, so Friedkin had to do it the old fashioned way.

The publication quotes Friedkin in a behind-the-scenes documentary saying, "Today, doing that would be a piece of cake, right? Today they can make you believe that the Titanic is sinking."

In the documentary, behind-the-scenes footage shows cast members wearing heavy jackets to stay warm, while Linda Blair, who was only wearing a nightgown, was chilled to the bone.

Mercedes McCambridge, who voiced the demon, relied on a gnarly diet to find the perfect voice.

Mercedes McCambridge, who voiced the demon, relied on a gnarly diet to find the perfect voice.
The demon haunts 12-year-old Regan in "The Exorcist."      Sunset Boulevard/Getty Images

McCambridge stuck to a unique diet of eating raw eggs, drinking whiskey, and chain-smoking cigarettes to find the right voice for the film's antagonist.

In the documentary "The Fear of God: 25 Years of The Exorcist," McCambridge explained, "You utilize everything, don't analyze, utilize. And I utilized the thickness all of that stuff [for] the voice of Lucifer."

McCambridge was also bound to a chair with pieces of a torn sheet around her neck, arms, wrists, legs, and feet so that she could method act Linda Blair being restrained to her bed for more genuine sounds.

In the documentary, Friedkin said that McCambridge broke her sobriety just for the role. He added that "the most curious things would happen in her throat. Double and triple sounds would emerge at once – wheezing sounds, very much akin to what you could imagine a person inhabited by various demons would sound like."

The "pea soup" scene only took one take, thanks to Jason Miller's genuine disgust at being covered in fake vomit.

The "pea soup" scene only took one take, thanks to Jason Miller
William Friedkin (left) talks with Jason Miller on set.      Bettmann/Getty Images

The story goes that in rehearsal for this famous scene, the pea soup concoction that Linda Blair's character vomited at Jason Miller hit him in the chest. But, according to The Greensboro News & Record, once the cameras rolled for the first take it hit him square in the face which made acting disgusted more natural and convincing.

Although it's not mentioned in the movie, the demon in "The Exorcist" is named Pazuzu.

Although it
Father Merrin observing the statue of Pazuzu in "The Exorcist."      Sunset Boulevard/Getty Images

Although characters in the movie simply refer to it as "the demon" or use Regan's nickname "Captain Howdy," the demon at the center of "The Exorcist" has a name: Pazuzu. According to Screen Rant, the demon Pazuzu appears in Assyrian and Babylonian mythology as the king of wind demons. The site adds that the book and subsequent "Exorcist" movies confirm the demon's name.

If you pay close attention to the film, the name makes sense. At the beginning of the movie, Father Merrin unearths the amulet of Pazuzu during an archaeological dig in Iraq. Later during his travels, he sees a larger statue of the figure portrayed in the amulet. Screen Rant's analysis argues that perhaps the amulet summoned the demon that possessed Regan or even contained it within the relic.

Members of the cast and crew believed the set was actually haunted and had a priest bless it.

Members of the cast and crew believed the set was actually haunted and had a priest bless it.
Father Merrin blessing Regan MacNeil in "The Exorcist."      Mondadori Portfolio/Getty Images

According to CBS News, after the entire set for the MacNeil house, except for Regan's evil bedroom, caught fire and caused a six-week delay in filming, the Jesuit priest Thomas M. King, who was a professor of theology at the nearby Georgetown University, was asked the bless the set.

That's not all: There were nine deaths connected to the film, from Lisa Blair's grandfather to actor Jack MacGowran (Burke Dennings), who died a week after the film's release.

The iconic image of Father Merrin featured on "The Exorcist" movie poster was inspired by a series of famous paintings.

The iconic image of Father Merrin featured on "The Exorcist" movie poster was inspired by a series of famous paintings.
Father Merrin outside the MacNeil home in "The Exorcist."      Bettmann/Getty Images

Arguably one of the most iconic scenes in "The Exorcist" — and the shot that would appear on the film's poster — is that of Father Marrin, illuminated by a street lamp, looking up at the MacNeil residence. The shot is based on Belgian surrealist artist René Magritte's series of "L'empire des lumières" paintings.

According to Sotheby's, "Both works feature a confusing, threatening combination of interior and exterior light, and the male figure in the poster dons a bowler hat, likely a reference to Magritte's characteristic image."

The film was so scary that theaters had to hand out sick bags, and there were reports of people fainting.

The film was so scary that theaters had to hand out sick bags, and there were reports of people fainting.
Linda Blair in "The Exorcist."      Sunset Boulevard/Getty Images

Moviegoers had never seen anything quite like "The Exorcist," and it was too much for some viewers to handle. The Daily Beast reported that theaters had to hand out sick bags because the movie — particularly the head-spinning scene — made viewers sick.

There are also reports of people fainting during the movie, including one moviegoer who sued Warner Bros. after they fainted, fell out of their chair, and broke their jaw while seeing the movie. The studio reportedly settled for an undisclosed amount.

Warner Bros. had to hire bodyguards to protect the actress who played Regan.

Warner Bros. had to hire bodyguards to protect the actress who played Regan.
Actress Linda Blair as Regan MacNeil in "The Exorcist."      Sunset Boulevard/Getty Images

For six months after "The Exorcist's" release, according to IMDb, Warner Bros. had to hire bodyguards to protect Linda Blair because she received so many death threats from religious zealots who thought her performance glorified satan.

In an interview with OWN, Blair said being at the center of the film's positive and negative attention was challenging, especially since she was only 15 at the time. The film, she said, "was so controversial, so of course I am at the very pinnacle of all of that, so it all became my fault."

"The Exorcist" was the first horror movie to receive an Oscar nomination for Best Picture.

"The Exorcist" was the first horror movie to receive an Oscar nomination for Best Picture.
A scene from "The Exorcist."      Warner Bros.

"The Exorcist" made history at the 1974 Oscars by being the first horror film nominated for Best Picture, according to CNBC. Of its 10 nominations, the film only won two, for Best Writing and Best Sound. It would go on to receive seven nominations and win four Golden Globes (for Best Supporting Actress, Best Screenplay, Best Motion Picture - Drama, and Best Director) and a BAFTA nomination for Best Soundtrack, according to IMDb.

You can visit the famous scary staircase from the movie.

You can visit the famous scary staircase from the movie.
Tourists snapping a selfie at the "Exorcist" staircase in Washington, DC.      ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/Getty Images

At the climax of the film, during the exorcism, Father Karras chokes Regan and absorbs the demon out of her, before falling out of a window and tumbling down a staircase to his death. You can visit the extremely steep staircase, which is in Washington, DC, near Georgetown University. It received a dedicatory plaque in 2015 declaring it a Washington, DC tourist site.

Friedkin told Vice the staircase's plaque meant more to him than his Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Director for the movie "The French Connection."

"They're calling those steps now — in a historic district — in a historic city — the Exorcist Steps," he said. "My name is on the plaque. As is ["The Exorcist" author William Peter] Blatty's. To me that's an absolutely great honor because the Academy may come and go. Its importance has been diminished over the years anyway. But that plaque on those steps is going to be there for a very long time."


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