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  4. 15 of the most cringeworthy moments in Netflix's holiday rom-com 'Christmas With You'

15 of the most cringeworthy moments in Netflix's holiday rom-com 'Christmas With You'

15 of the most cringeworthy moments in Netflix's holiday rom-com 'Christmas With You'
Aimee Garcia and Freddie Prinze Jr. in "Christmas With You."Jessica Kourkounis/Netflix
  • Netflix's "Christmas With You," starring Freddie Prinze Jr., has a few cringeworthy moments.
  • There are way too many uncomfortable conversations about Angelina's weight and diet.

Madison's interview questions are all antagonistic.

The movie really tries to emphasize that Angelina is old.      Netflix

Angelina does an interview with a reporter named Madison for a press junket.

The reporter starts the interview by immediately comparing her to another singer, Cheri, who's from the same record label.

Madison then asks if it's difficult to stay relevant, criticizes Angelina's latest TikTok, and points out that she's competing with younger artists.

Every question is leading and judgemental in a way that feels very unrealistic to what an actual interview should be like.

Angelina is annoyed that she has to write a new song as part of her record deal.

Angelina is annoyed that she has to write a new song as part of her record deal.
She writes songs for a living.      Netflix

Angelina is annoyed and even offended that her record label wants her to release a new single, even though she's been in the music industry for decades.

She has a record deal and should expect that she has to keep creating new work to be successful.

Instead of understanding this as a reasonable part of her job, Angelina seems to blame Cheri's success. She feels like her label is asking more from her because they have another artist who's doing better — even though they're only asking for one song.

Ricardo starts recording and kissing Angelina without asking her.

Ricardo starts recording and kissing Angelina without asking her.
Angelina looks very uncomfortable in the scene.      Netflix

Angelina and Ricardo broke up before the start of the film, but they're pretending to still be dating as a publicity stunt.

When Angelina is working on her song at the studio, Ricardo walks in, already filming, and kisses her under a mistletoe he brought.

Knowing they are both in on the stunt doesn't make the moment feel any less forced. Angelina clearly wasn't expecting to see him and didn't have a way to reject Ricardo in front of a rolling camera without it damaging her image.

Angelina's social-media goal is quite ambitious.

Jumping up to 200 million followers would be a feat.      Netflix

Angelina mentions to Mo that she wants to continue pretending to date Ricardo until they go from 15 million to 200 million followers.

The goal seems extremely unrealistic given what the audience sees of her social-media presence.

One of her fan pages she pulls up has fewer than 1,000 followers, and there are under 200 posts under her hashtag.

Angelina plans on eating nothing but lettuce for a full week.

Angelina plans on eating nothing but lettuce for a full week.
The conversations about her diet feel dated.      Netflix

To prepare for the big fundraiser, Angelina mentions that she won't be eating anything but lettuce for a full week.

Monique rolls her eyes at her, but afterward, they only discuss the new song — not any real concerns about Angelina's alarming crash diet.

Soon after, Mo at least refuses to answer Angelina when she asks if she has a muffin top. Instead, she tells her she looks beautiful.

Barry tells Angelina she's been replaced on a magazine cover while she's on set for the photoshoot.

Barry tells Angelina she
Even her record label seems to be aging Angelina out.      Netflix

The manager of Angelina's record label, Barry, appears on the set of the photoshoot to tell Angelina she's been replaced.

He has her meet Cheri, who's going on the cover instead, before telling her that the label wants to promote the younger musician.

There's no reason why Barry couldn't have told her this before the day of. It makes the entire interaction feel cruel and frustrating to watch.

Cristina is geotagging location information in public Instagram posts.

Cristina is geotagging location information in public Instagram posts.
As a high schooler, she should probably practice better internet safety.      Netflix

Angelina is able to easily find Cristina's school because she geotagged it in her Instagram video.

It's not exactly safe for a teenager to be sharing such private information on social media.

Her father, Miguel, later mentions that those videos are just meant to be for Cristina's friends, showing that he apparently didn't realize his child's posts were publicly available — let alone tagged with a location.

The school principal allows Angelina to come in and meet a student without checking that it's OK with Miguel first.

The school principal allows Angelina to come in and meet a student without checking that it
Angelina just kind of barges into the high school.      Netflix

Miguel is just as surprised as Cristina when the principal calls them to the office to meet Angelina.

The principal went to the trouble of bringing Miguel to the office, but she didn't check with him first if it was OK for his underage daughter to randomly meet a pop star.

Most of the conversation during the first dinner scene again focuses on Angelina's weight.

Most of the conversation during the first dinner scene again focuses on Angelina
There are way too many comments about Angelina's weight and body.      Netflix

When Angelina eats dinner with Miguel's family for the first time, she insists on only eating beans so that she can fit into her dress for the gala.

She calls it a "necessary evil of showbiz" shortly before Cristina's grandmother says that she's "too skinny" for Ricardo.

Cristina is also there the entire time, listening to her idol conflate skinniness with success.

The fixation on Angelina's weight, unfortunately, ruins what could have been a sweet dinner scene.

Angelina blurts out a song lyric in the middle of an intimate moment with Miguel.

Angelina blurts out a song lyric in the middle of an intimate moment with Miguel.
It seemed like they were really having a moment.      Netflix

Miguel and Angelina go to a holiday light display to help them get out of a rut while working on their song.

The two share a sweet moment together that is broken by Angelina busting out, "I've tried to hide this love inside."

She explains that this should be the next line of the song, but she blurts it out during what could've been their first kiss. It doesn't necessarily feel like a strong enough lyric to justify ruining the moment.

Ricardo arrives and literally laughs at the idea of Angelina and Miguel writing a song.

Ricardo arrives and literally laughs at the idea of Angelina and Miguel writing a song.
Miguel is a pretty talented musician even if he's not famous.      Netflix

Ricardo manages to find the exact house Angelina is staying at after she was tagged in an Instagram photo from Cristina's aunt — apparently, everyone in the family could benefit from an internet-safety lesson.

He rudely barges into Miguel's home and insists that he and Angelina leave "the fans" and return to the city.

When Angelina explains that she and Miguel are working on a song together, Ricardo laughs in their faces, insults Miguel, and leaves.

Angelina lies to Ricardo about wanting to stay a fake couple.

Angelina lies to Ricardo about wanting to stay a fake couple.
Angelina does a lot of questionable things to boost her following.      Netflix

From the very beginning of the film, Angelina says she wants to make their breakup official.

But when Ricardo directly asks Angelina if they should publicly end things, she chooses to stay with him.

She's clearly only doing this to continue boosting her followers, which makes it even more uncomfortable to watch.

Angelina pressures Miguel into performing immediately after he said he wouldn't be comfortable playing in public.

Angelina pressures Miguel into performing immediately after he said he wouldn
She could've respected his boundaries more.      Netflix

Miguel tells Angelina that public performances make him nervous and mentions that he doesn't even perform in front of his students.

Despite him being very clear about not wanting to play in front of people, Angelina decides to ask him to join her onstage. She calls him out by name, points a spotlight at him, and tells the audience to cheer for him.

The moment is portrayed as a sweet way to get Miguel to come out of his shell. But it completely disregards Miguel's boundaries.

Angelina lies to Miguel about her feelings for him.

Angelina lies to Miguel about her feelings for him.
No one is communicating clearly.      Netflix

Angelina wants Miguel to drop his current job and come tour with her to perform their one song together.

But when Miguel asks her to admit that she has feelings for him first, she lies and says she only cares about the song.

Despite rom-coms being notorious for their third-act fight, this is extremely frustrating to watch. It feels particularly pointless since Angelina ends up confessing her feelings a few minutes later anyway.

Ricardo tells the press that he broke up with Angelina.

Ricardo tells the press that he broke up with Angelina.
In the end, everything is still about publicity.      Netflix

After Angelina and Miguel perform together at the gala, Ricardo holds a press conference to announce that he and Angelina are no longer together.

He makes a point of saying that he is the one who ended the relationship, in yet another petty moment for Ricardo.
