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13 details you might have missed in the season three finale of 'Westworld'

Kim Renfro   

13 details you might have missed in the season three finale of 'Westworld'
Evan Rachel Wood stars as Dolores in HBO's "Westworld."HBO
  • Warning: Major spoilers ahead for "Westworld" season three, episode eight, "Crisis Theory."
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The finale of "Westworld" season three, "Crisis Theory," premiered Sunday night on HBO. With what appeared to be a final goodbye to Dolores' character (at least the primary version played by Evan Rachel Wood), we learned more about the potentially dark future for both humans and the hosts.

As always, we took a closer look at the scenes and dialogue to find the best details you might not have noticed upon a first viewing of the episode. Some of these reveal important answers, while others just raise more questions.

Keep reading to see what you may have missed from "Westworld" season three, episode eight, "Crisis Theory."

Read the original article on Insider

In the post-credits scene, we see that enough time has passed in Bernard's motel room that an entire plant has disintegrated.

In the post-credits scene, we see that enough time has passed in Bernard
The plant on the table is virtually the only thing that changes between these scenes.      HBO

Just in case you missed it, there were two post-credits scenes for this finale. You can read our full analysis of what those mean here.

One of the details we'll mention here, however, is that the plant on Bernard's motel room table is completely gone in the far-future. So not only has enough time passed for an extreme level of dust to build up, but an entire plant has died and then disintegrated.

That being said, Stubbs can't have held up too well, right? Bernard said he needed ice to keep his synthetic body from decomposing thanks to the brutal gunshot wound he was nursing. So either there's a rotting Stubbs in the bathtub, or maybe Stubbs managed to extricate himself (but then left Bernard there).

We'll have to wait until the fourth season of "Westworld" for more answers.

In last week's episode, we saw Solomon sending his "access" to Dolores, even if it was unclear then what was happening.

In last week
Season three, episode seven, "Passed Pawn."      HBO

In the finale, Serac is finally undermined for good when Maeve reveals that he's been locked out of the Rehoboam system.

"Solomon's access was the last memory before you wiped her clean," Maeve said.

Solomon transmitted his own access capabilities to Dolores back in episode seven, just before Dolores activated the EMP. Her eyes flickered ever-so-slightly, indicated that something was going on inside her mind. At the time, we weren't sure what it might mean.

But now, it's clear that Solomon's last act was making sure he'd be there to infiltrate Rehoboam (should the opportunity arise).

Dolores' journey in "Westworld" came to a full-circle end with what might be a reference to the painting "Christina's World."

Dolores alone in the field, as we see her at the start of the "Westworld" season three finale.      HBO

Back in 2016, "Westworld" cocreator Jonathan Nolan told Entertainment Weekly that one of the references behind Dolores' journey was a painting by Andrew Wyeth called "Christina's World."

The 1948 painting, purchased by the Museum of Modern Art the following year, shows a woman with her back turned to the viewer. She's alone in a field, seemingly reaching towards her home.

Though you never know for certain with a show like "Westworld," this episode felt to us like a goodbye to Dolores. It seemed fitting, then, to show her alone in a field during her final moments.

We still don't know the name of parks four and five, but at least every Delos park is now accounted for.

We still don
The new version of the Delos Destinations website.      HBO

The Delos Destinations website was updated to show that park five is open to "defense contracts only." Training world? Terrorist world? For now we can only guess.

As for park four, we're inclined to call that one Fantasy World. But you canread more about why (and why we doubt it's "Medieval World") here.

Dolores reveals the "theme" of park five, which was some sort of government training area.

Dolores reveals the "theme" of park five, which was some sort of government training area.
Jonathan Tucker plays Major Craddock.      HBO

The host Caleb shot and killed was Major Craddock (played by Jonathan Tucker), who we saw earlier in this season when William was hallucinating.

It's interesting that this version of Craddock is the old-host type, with a metal robotic interior.

As Dolores reminded us in this episode, the hosts were all once built with that mechanical interior system. Only later were they changed to have synthetic human insides.

If Caleb was training with these older host models, that means the switch to synthetic human bodies must have happened more recently than we had previously assumed. Caleb joined the army approximately 16 years before the current timeframe in "Westworld."

You can read our full timeline here to see how his story fits in with the Westworld park evolution.

Dolores' body replacement was at an Itaidoshin distillery distribution center, aka an outpost of her Singapore hideout.

Season three, episode eight, "Crisis Theory."      HBO

In episode four, we saw Maeve visit the Itaidoshin Distillery in Singapore. She found the Musashi-Dolores copy there, plus what looked like tons of host-making liquid being smuggled in barrels.

Now that the Charlotte-copy has taken out Musashi, it's likely that she's fully in control of those host-making resources. That would help explain the post-credits scene, in which she's revealed to be making dozens (if not hundreds) of brand new hosts.

And, just in case you had missed it the first time around, "Itai doshin" is a Buddhist term that means "many in body, one in mind." It's a fun little nod to Dolores copying herself into multiple forms.

The maze pattern from inside Westworld also made many more appearances.

The maze pattern from inside Westworld also made many more appearances.
Just one of several spray-painted maze drawings spotted amid the riots.      HBO

The presence of this design in the real world is still baffling. This particular maze motif was first used by Arnold when he was trying to push Dolores towards consciousness. It was later picked up by a host named Akecheta, who used the symbol to spread consciousness to other hosts.

We can't fathom how regular humans would have encountered it and taken it up as their symbol of freedom. The narrative parallels are there, but we're still left wondering if someone from the Westworld park helped plant this maze in the real world.

Solomon's triangular pattern was repeated on the Los Angeles blockade, and in one protest poster with an eye on it.

Caleb riding up to the downtown Los Angeles city limits.      HBO

As many fans have noticed, particularly on the "Westworld" subreddit, the patterning around the outside sphere of Solomon has distinctive triangles, while Rehoboam was all about parallel lines. That triangular pattern appeared in the finale both in the barricades around the city, and in posters.

Throughout season three, eye-imagery was frequently peppered into set designs. It makes sense thematically when you connect it back to the way Incite was tracking human movement, and watching for discrepancies. Now that people are rioting, Solomon's chaotic imagery is even more present.

Another neat detail you'll see if you zoom in: The pupil in that eye poster is a miniaturized version of Incite's spherical logo.

Arnold's wife was played the same actress we saw way back in the first season, when Ford was tricking Bernard.

Gina Torres as Lauren in season one, and now in season three.      HBO

Gina Torres played Lauren in season one, when we saw Bernard video chatting with his "wife."

Back then it turned out to be just Ford posing as Arnold's wife as a way to keep tabs on the host creation.

Torres was fitting with prosthetics in order to age her up. More than 30 years would have passed since her last encounter with the real Arnold.

The address Lawrence gives Bernard shows that Arnold's wife lived in Los Altos, a neighborhood in Silicon Valley famous for once housing well-known tech founders.

The address Lawrence gives Bernard shows that Arnold
The address shown on Lawrence's notebook.      HBO

Though the address itself is fake, Los Altos is a real city in Silicon Valley, just near San Francisco.

In the 1970s, Apple cofounders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak famously built their first Apple computers in a Los Altos garage. In the early days of the company, Facebook cofounder Mark Zuckerburg rented a house in Los Altos.

It fits in the world building of "Westworld" that the ex-wife of one of the Delos park cofounders would find herself living in this place associated with multi-billion dollar tech company startups.

The Lawrence-copy of Dolores told Bernard to "save the fireworks for tonight" before gesturing to the SFPD truck full of explosive liquid.

The Lawrence-copy of Dolores told Bernard to "save the fireworks for tonight" before gesturing to the SFPD truck full of explosive liquid.
Season three, episode eight, "Crisis Theory."      HBO

So was he responsible for all those explosions at the end of the episode?

When Lawrence-Dolores popped up, it was a welcome surprise. We knew there was one last copy of Dolores out there, and hoped it would be a friendly face.

But then, after sending Bernard on his way, that copy was never seen again. So what was its purpose?

Listening again to what he tells Bernard, it seems likely that the Lawrence-Dolores was responsible for setting up bombs around San Francisco (and probably other major areas). Perhaps they were the ones who set off all those bombs Maeve and Caleb watched go off in the closing moments of the episode.

The EMP machine notes that "reserve power" is on, which means all those folks sitting in cold storage should still be safely in their cryo-sleep.

The EMP machine notes that "reserve power" is on, which means all those folks sitting in cold storage should still be safely in their cryo-sleep.
The text on the machine's screen says "reserve power on."      HBO

When Serac's henchman walks up to Dolores, he sees the EMP device flashing messages. It says "threat neutralized" and that Solomon is offline. But it notes that reserve power has kicked in.

That means all those people being held in sleep pods, including Serac's brother, should still be alive.

What will happen to them now Serac and Rehoboam are dead? That's a question for season four to answer.


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