IIT Kanpur- House Targaryen
Just like Targryens, they were the best once, among all. They are fighting back to get the 1st position again.
IIT Madras- House Martell
Different Culture. Located South. Unbowed to Media.Unbent to social pressure. Unbroken to protests.
IIT Delhi- House Baratheon
Rebelled successfully in the past. Lives in the capital. They have Fury.
IIT Roorkee- House Stark
Winter is coming. They are known for their excellent work in the past. But, always prefer to be humble.
IIT Kharagpur- House Tully
Large area under control. They prefer college as a family. Study as a duty and Success as an honour.
IIT Guwahati- House Arryn
Located North East. Surrounded by difficult terrain. Rivers, Jungles and folk tribes around.
IIT Hyderabad- House Tyrell
Have good fertile lands. Rich history. New house after destruction of house gardener. Growing Strong.
IIT BHU- House Bolton
They are just legitimized from IT to IIT. Their minds are sharp and location is strategic.
IIT Dhanbad- House Greyjoy
They have mining courses. They do not sow. They mine out Iron.
IIT Gandhinagar- Free city of Braavos