scorecardIf the IITs were the houses of Game of Thrones, these are the houses they would represent
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  3. If the IITs were the houses of Game of Thrones, these are the houses they would represent

If the IITs were the houses of Game of Thrones, these are the houses they would represent

IIT Bombay-House Lannister

If the IITs were the houses of Game of Thrones, these are the houses they would represent

IIT Kanpur- House Targaryen

 IIT Kanpur- House Targaryen
Just like Targryens, they were the best once, among all. They are fighting back to get the 1st position again.

IIT Madras- House Martell

IIT Madras- House Martell
Different Culture. Located South. Unbowed to Media.Unbent to social pressure. Unbroken to protests.

IIT Delhi- House Baratheon

 IIT Delhi- House Baratheon
Rebelled successfully in the past. Lives in the capital. They have Fury.

IIT Roorkee- House Stark

IIT Roorkee- House Stark
Winter is coming. They are known for their excellent work in the past. But, always prefer to be humble.

IIT Kharagpur- House Tully

IIT Kharagpur- House Tully
Large area under control. They prefer college as a family. Study as a duty and Success as an honour.

IIT Guwahati- House Arryn

IIT Guwahati- House Arryn
Located North East. Surrounded by difficult terrain. Rivers, Jungles and folk tribes around.

IIT Hyderabad- House Tyrell

IIT Hyderabad- House Tyrell
Have good fertile lands. Rich history. New house after destruction of house gardener. Growing Strong.

IIT BHU- House Bolton

IIT BHU- House Bolton
They are just legitimized from IT to IIT. Their minds are sharp and location is strategic.

IIT Dhanbad- House Greyjoy

IIT Dhanbad- House Greyjoy
They have mining courses. They do not sow. They mine out Iron.

IIT Gandhinagar- Free city of Braavos

IIT Gandhinagar- Free city of Braavos
