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Everyone on 'Game of Thrones' who has a Valyrian steel blade that can kill White Walkers

Gendry: maybe?

Everyone on 'Game of Thrones' who has a Valyrian steel blade that can kill White Walkers

Arya Stark: that dagger

Arya Stark: that dagger

The dagger that makes Catelyn Stark put Tyrion Lannister under arrest for the assassination attempt on her son Bran's life makes a resurgence in season seven. Once owned by Littlefinger, he gives it to Bran, who gives it to Arya. It's sometimes referred to as the "Catspaw Dagger."

Samwell Tarly: Heartsbane

Samwell Tarly: Heartsbane

Heartsbane is the sword of House Tarly, and Sam stole it from his father, Randyll, who kept it hanging on a mantle in their home in Horn Hill.

Jaime Lannister: Widow's Wail

Jaime Lannister: Widow

After Joffrey's death, Jaime takes Widow's Wail. This sword is also made out of Ned Stark's sword, Ice, which was very big.

Brienne of Tarth: Oathkeeper

Brienne of Tarth: Oathkeeper

Jaime Lannister gives Brienne Oathkeeper when he sends her out to complete her mission of bringing the Stark girls home to Winterfell. Oathkeeper is made out of Ned Stark's sword, Ice. At the beginning of season four, Tywin has it melted down into two blades.

Jon Snow: Longclaw

Jon Snow: Longclaw

Longclaw is the ancestral sword of House Mormont. Lord Commander Jeor Mormont originally leaves it to his son, Jorah, before he leaves for the Night's Watch. But Jorah leaves it behind in shame when he leaves Westeros. Then Jeor gives it to Jon Snow, basically as a thank you present for saving him from a wight.

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