The movie is a CGI fail.
One draw for a swords-and-sandals movie is the dazzling computer graphics it can have to show off an ancient world. But it sounds like “Gods of Egypt” doesn’t even have that going for it.
“…the worst CG effects this side of an Atari 2600,” the Wrap wrote.
“It’s just there, pounding you in the face with a cudgel of disposable mediocrity and schlocky video game-grade CGI,” Entertainment Weekly opined.
And Gerard Butler isn’t any better.
Butler gained his stardom after playing a ripped Spartan in Zack Snyder’s much-heralded ancient actioner “300.” Sadly, a return to the genre without someone of Snyder’s caliber was a mistake for the actor.
“The campy part begins when Gerard Butler enters as Set, an Egyptian god with a noticeable Scottish burr,” Newsday wrote.
“He’d be chewing the scenery if you could chew green screen,” Variety said.
But often bad movies make for great moviegoing experiences, in their own way.
Granted, these critics didn't have to pay to see "Gods of Egypt" like you would have to, but maybe some of them would. You might be surprised how much fun you can have watching a truly terrible movie. Wacky can be enjoyable.
“It’s a bizarre, goofy mess — and occasionally a beautiful one,” ScreenCrush commented optimistically.
And the New York Times wrote: "I enjoyed ‘Gods of Egypt’ despite the lazily generic non-story, the dubious Eurocentric casting, and (intentionally?) unconvincing effects that make you wonder (another imponderable) why they didn’t just make this an animated picture."
The Times ends its review with a line so perfect that, if Lionsgate had any sense of humor, the studio would put it on the Blu-ray packaging:
“If ‘Gods of Egypt’ were any worse, it might be a masterpiece.”