62. Lysa Arryn
Lady Regent of the Vale and sister of Catelyn Stark, wife of former Hand of the King Jon Arryn, and ever so briefly, the wife of Littlefinger. Lady Arryn was actually responsible for killing her own husband, not the Lannisters. Jon Arryn's death pretty much spawned all of the events that made this entire series possible. Oh, and she also breastfed her grown son Robyn in front of everybody and it was really creepy.
Time of death: Season 4, episode 7, "The Gift"
Cause of death: Littlefinger pushed her out the Moon Door for threatening Sansa's life.
Sadness ranking: 2.5. It's sad to see anyone related to the Starks go because boy, do they go quickly, but she was kind of the Joffrey of the family.
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