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39 ways the American workforce is dramatically changing in 2015

86% of US jobs today involve offering services instead of making things.

39 ways the American workforce is dramatically changing in 2015

The worker shortage is really a myth. Since 2000, the population has grown faster than new jobs.

The worker shortage is really a myth. Since 2000, the population has grown faster than new jobs.

The worker shortage is only in one area: highly skilled workers. Skilled jobs grew 2-times faster than unskilled jobs.

The worker shortage is only in one area: highly skilled workers. Skilled jobs grew 2-times faster than unskilled jobs.

Pensions are dead. Workers have become responsible for their own retirement.

Pensions are dead. Workers have become responsible for their own retirement.

Then again, people are working longer, and working after they retire from their main careers.

Then again, people are working longer, and working after they retire from their main careers.

Employer offered health insurance is also on the decline.

Employer offered health insurance is also on the decline.

The lifestyle of the American worker is changing, too. More people are living in cities not in rural areas.

The lifestyle of the American worker is changing, too. More people are living in cities not in rural areas.

There are more immigrants in the workforce than ever before.

There are more immigrants in the workforce than ever before.

Households and families are growing smaller.

Households and families are growing smaller.

Fewer people under 30 are getting married.

Fewer people under 30 are getting married.

Millennials have become the biggest population of workers, starting this year.

Millennials have become the biggest population of workers, starting this year.

Millennials want different things from their jobs than older workers and bring different skills.

Millennials want different things from their jobs than older workers and bring different skills.

Millennials care less about the money and more about exciting work and camaraderie.

Millennials care less about the money and more about exciting work and camaraderie.

Millennials believe that if their job doesn't work out they can always start their own company.

Millennials believe that if their job doesn

A lot of them would rather work on contract than as a regular employee.

A lot of them would rather work on contract than as a regular employee.

Many workers feel the same way. One-third of the workforce today is freelance.

Many workers feel the same way. One-third of the workforce today is freelance.

The rise of the internet has allowed freelance workers to flourish.

The rise of the internet has allowed freelance workers to flourish.

It's not just connectivity. There are whole new online businesses to help freelancers and moonlighters.


Freelancers and moonlighters tend to use more than one of these new online tools to make money.

Freelancers and moonlighters tend to use more than one of these new online tools to make money.

Extra money earned from sharing or moonlighting can be significant, but often not a full living.

Extra money earned from sharing or moonlighting can be significant, but often not a full living.

Once someone tries one of these new ways to earn money, they tend to try more of them.

Once someone tries one of these new ways to earn money, they tend to try more of them.

Not surprisingly, millennials make up the biggest percentage of freelance/moonlighters.

Not surprisingly, millennials make up the biggest percentage of freelance/moonlighters.

When millennials do become full-time workers, they value training and flexibility over pay.

When millennials do become full-time workers, they value training and flexibility over pay.

And millennials love to use tech to get their jobs done.

And millennials love to use tech to get their jobs done.

But not all the myths about millennials are true. For instance, all workers want to have meaningful work, not just millennials..

But not all the myths about millennials are true. For instance, all workers want to have meaningful work, not just millennials..

Millennial narcissism is really a desire for fairness and transparency more than constant praise.

Millennial narcissism is really a desire for fairness and transparency more than constant praise.

Millennials will, in fact, put down their phones. They prefer to get training from real people.

Millennials will, in fact, put down their phones. They prefer to get training from real people.

Millennials aren't always running to social media or friends for opinions.

Millennials aren

Millennials change jobs for the same reasons older workers tend to leave.

Millennials change jobs for the same reasons older workers tend to leave.

That said, millennials are obsessively attached to their smartphones and many believe that their whole jobs will be done on one within the next five years.

That said, millennials are obsessively attached to their smartphones and many believe that their whole jobs will be done on one within the next five years.

This attachment to devices is drastically changing the internet. By 2019, internet users and devices will double ...

This attachment to devices is drastically changing the internet. By 2019, internet users and devices will double ...

And we'll see the rise of machines on the internet working with other machines (M2M)

And we

By 2019, machines will be 42% of the devices on the internet. This is the rise of the "Internet of Things"

By 2019, machines will be 42% of the devices on the internet. This is the rise of the "Internet of Things"

These machines will be everywhere: home, work, cars, health, cities, shops, manufacturing, energy, and other stuff.

These machines will be everywhere: home, work, cars, health, cities, shops, manufacturing, energy, and other stuff.

By 2019, 17% of workers will only use mobile devices to do their jobs.

By 2019, 17% of workers will only use mobile devices to do their jobs.

Workers will use their devices for video meetings, but also texts and email.

Workers will use their devices for video meetings, but also texts and email.

WiFi is getting faster to accommodate our internet-based jobs.

WiFi is getting faster to accommodate our internet-based jobs.

Cell phone networks are getting faster, too.

Cell phone networks are getting faster, too.

With tech savvy workers, freelancers on the net, and faster networks, our online work experience will be better than it is today.

With tech savvy workers, freelancers on the net, and faster networks, our online work experience will be better than it is today.

There's also radical change going on in the tech we use for work


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