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Donald Trump taunts Jeb Bush for ditching his glasses in favor of contacts

Feb 17, 2016, 22:10 IST

Alex Wong / Getty Staff

Real-estate developer Donald Trump is continuing to launch schoolyard-esque attacks against former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R).


On Wednesday, Trump taunted his presidential rival for switching out his glasses for contacts - supposedly in order to look "cool."

"Jeb Bush just got contact lenses and got rid of the glasses. He wants to look cool, but it's far too late," Trump tweeted.

Bush addressed the change recently, telling NBC News that he'd been thinking about making the change for months.

"I started doing TV interviews, remote TV interviews, where I can just stare at a camera, you know, a blind camera, and people said, 'wow, you look 20 years younger,'" Bush said.


Trump has been known to mock his critics' glasses on the campaign trail. He frequently said columnist George Will only looks smart because of his glasses. Trump also said former Texas Gov. Rick Perry's (R) glasses didn't accomplish even that much.

"He put glasses on so people will think he's smart. And it just doesn't work! People can see through the glasses," Trump said last summer of Perry.

Bush recently appeared next to his older brother and former President George W. Bush on Fox News. Without his glasses, Jeb looked even more similar to his brother:

Fox News

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