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Donald Trump Makes A Tacky Joke About The Alleged Boston Bomber's Mom

Linette Lopez   

Donald Trump Makes A Tacky Joke About The Alleged Boston Bomber's Mom

Donald Trump's mastery of issues regarding U.S. citizenship and immigration is well-known. He is also well-known for his sensitivity and tact. He demonstrated both on Twitter earlier today.

In an interview with CNN, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, the mother of Boston bombing suspects, the Tsarnaev brothers, was breathless and incredulous saying that her sons couldn't possibly be responsible for the attack on the Boston Marathon.

From CNN:

"This is really crazy. I can't even, I can't even describe it," she told Paton Walsh, looking drained. "I have no strength. I have nothing. I have no sleep. I am just like dead. Like a dead person."

Trump's reaction was not so much incredulous as incredible.

From his Twitter feed:

Donald Trump twitter boston bombing



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