On Tuesday, hundreds of refugees ran from the police as they broke out of registration camp in Hungary, the BBC reports.
A video published on Twitter shows how journalists are filming the scene as police officers are chasing refugees and trying to contain them.
Toward the end of the video one of the camerawoman filming the scene is seen tripping a refugee carrying a child in his arms as he is running away from the police.
Lage in #Roeszke #Hungary weiter schlimm - Polizei überfordert - Flüchtlinge durchbrechen Polizeikette - Verletzte! pic.twitter.com/GlMGqGwABb
- Stephan Richter (@RichterSteph) September 8, 2015
@JotDownSpain aquí tienes a la misma cámara haciendo zancadillas a otros refugiados (incluyendo una niña) https://t.co/11xKFBKmAM
- Jaime Prades (@Jaime_Prades) September 8, 2015