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Disney's 'Smart House' came out in 1999 - here are all the technologies from the movie that we're actually using two decades later

Disney's 'Smart House' came out in 1999 - here are all the technologies from the movie that we're actually using two decades later
EntertainmentEntertainment1 min read

Smart House movie


The Disney Channel original movie "Smart House," about a family that moves into a "house of the future" run by a built-in virtual assistant named Pat, was way ahead of its time.

When it came out almost two decades ago, the world was still trying to figure out how to address the Y2K bug, and people had few of the technologies in their houses that we use today. There were no smart devices (let alone smartphones), dial-up modems were the norm, and candy-colored Apple desktop computers were all the rage.

The fictitious "Smart House" was a little far-fetched, sure, but it did get some things right.

Here are the technologies from the 1999 movie "Smart House" that we have now, almost 20 years later:

