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Disappointing photos show what Iceland's famous Blue Lagoon looks like in real life

Oct 3, 2018, 02:19 IST

Iceland's Blue Lagoon, where Rhodothermus marinus bacteria grow.Shutterstock

  • The Blue Lagoon in Iceland is one of the country's most popular destinations.
  • Nearly 1.2 million people came to swim in its milky blue waters in 2017, a Blue Lagoon representative told Business Insider.
  • But these disappointing photos show that the Blue Lagoon is not always as idyllic and photogenic as it seems.


The Blue Lagoon in Iceland is one of the country's most famous and visited attractions, seeing hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.

But for all its fame and for all the idyllic Instagram photos, the manmade pool can be overcrowded, unphotogenic, and underwhelming. One person on TripAdvisor called it "a dirty, lukewarm, crowded disappointment."

It's also not cheap. A swim in the milky blue waters will cost you a minimum of $64, which includes a silica mud mask, towel, and a drink. You can upgrade to a premium package for $91, which includes a second mask, use of slippers and a bathrobe, a table reservation at the lagoon's Lava Restaurant, and sparkling wine if eating at the restaurant. You can also shell out $268 for four-hour exclusive entry to the spa in addition to the pool.


These disappointing photos show that the hot springs experience isn't always as picture-perfect as it seems.

The Blue Lagoon is known for its milky blue water, rock formations, and skin-nourishing clay that visitors apply as face masks.

Source: Blue Lagoon

It's one of the most-visited attractions in Iceland, with nearly 1.2 million visitors in 2017.

Source: Blue Lagoon

But what most Instagram photos don't show are the industrial-looking buildings that surround the pool.

In some places, the water laps up almost right to the edge of the buildings.

The effect isn't nearly as romantic when you see the whole picture.

Although some photos make it seem like an oasis in the middle of Iceland's rugged landscape, the Blue Lagoon is actually a developed resort.

And if those same photos make it seem like the resort is in a remote part of Iceland ...

... think again: the Blue Lagoon is located right off a highway.

What's more, it's actually sandwiched between Iceland's biggest airport (a 20-minute drive away) ...

Source: Google Maps

... and Iceland's biggest city, Reykjavik (a 50-minute drive away).

Source: Google Maps

When the sun peaks out from behind the steam at the lagoon, it can make for an absolutely breathtaking sight.

You can find plenty of enchanting Blue Lagoon pictures such as this one ...

... but not so many of the geothermal power station that powers the pool and serves as a rather drab backdrop.


It's not particularly photogenic ...

... and, when photographed from this angle, it really changes the feeling of the resort.

But good luck finding it after your swim among the dozens of other identical robes.

You also might have to worry about somebody taking your towel during your soak, which tends to happen, according to TripAdvisor.

Source: TripAdvisor

And the entrance to the pool is dramatic and stark — when it's empty.

In reality, though, the Blue Lagoon is so popular that you'll likely have to wait in line just to get in.

The resort is famous for its milky blue water.

And while the contrast between the water and the surrounding landscape does make for a stunning setting ...

... it's highly unlikely that you'll get the pool to yourself for such a perfect, serene photo.

Source: TripAdvisor

The bar can get particularly crowded.

In fact, the sheer number of visitors to the lagoon is a turn-off for many. "Upon arrival there were so many people in the lobby that my husband and I both felt overwhelmed and stressed instead of relaxing," one person wrote on TripAdvisor.

Source: TripAdvisor

Another commented that the Blue Lagoon was "overly crowded and people constantly filming and flashing."

Source: TripAdvisor

Indeed, you can scarcely turn your head without seeing someone snapping a selfie.

You might imagine your Blue Lagoon experience looking something like this ...

... but it will probably look more like this.

Many photos of the Blue Lagoon show couples and friends joyfully and expertly applying clay masks.

But if you're looking forward to what their website calls the "cleansing, revitalizing powers of silica and algae," be prepared to pay for it. A basic package starts at $64.

Source: Blue Lagoon

But not everyone might find it so relaxing.

The Blue Lagoon can be a romantic destination for couples.

And for those seeking a little peace and harmony, the Blue Lagoon may not be the right choice: It is a family-friendly destination, after all.

The Blue Lagoon provides some undeniably perfect photo opportunities, like this candid, atmospheric shot ...

... and this one ...

... but there's also a high likelihood that you'll end up the background of someone else's photograph, as both the water and the areas surrounding it are full of photo-hungry tourists.

And if you plan on having an Instagram-worthy photo shoot of your soak in the pool, you might want to think twice.

Because a lot of the time, you won't be able to get a clear shot through the steam.

Or, for that matter, the occasional flurry.

While pristine white snow surrounding the blue waters can make for a pretty picture ...

... it can also make for an uncomfortable experience when darting from the buildings into the water.

The bathers in this photo, for instance, are in stark contrast to the bystanders fully bundled up in winter gear on the right side.

A visit to the Blue Lagoon can be a calming and relaxing experience.

Some people, however, might get a little too comfortable.

And they don't always clean up after themselves.

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