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Desperate Hyundai Is Trying To Make Its Suicide Video Disappear - And Failing

Desperate Hyundai Is Trying To Make Its Suicide Video Disappear - And Failing
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Yesterday we told you about a new ad for the Hyundai ix35 which depicts a man trying and failing to kill himself in his garage (the exhaust pipe of the fuel cell car emits only water vapor).

For obvious reasons, people were upset about the ad and Hyundai apologized, promising never to run it in paid media again.

Then a strange thing happened: The YouTube video we used to show the ad was taken down and replaced with this message:



So we used another one, and the same thing happened.

AgencySpy, which also did a story about the ad, noticed the same thing.

Hyundai is apparently bringing multiple copyright challenges to YouTube citing anyone who tries to show the video, which was created by ad agency Innocean.

The problem is when you search for the ad on YouTube, you get results that look like this:

YouTube Hyundai


Looks like Hyundai's lawyers will have their hands full for a little while longer.

Here's the ad:

Watch Hyundai's controversial ad below:

