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Derrick Rose Had Some Candid And Heartbreaking Things To Say About Fatherhood

Feb 13, 2013, 22:40 IST

Wikimedia CommonsDerrick Rose gave his first in-depth interview of the season to Jeff Zillgitt of USA Today this morning.


It's fantastic, and gives you a solid picture of how Rose is recovering from the torn ACL he suffered last April.

But one of the most interesting parts of the interview was when Rose talked about fatherhood. Rose had a son this year, and he's determined to be a good dad, in part because he never had one (emphasis ours):

"Growing up without my dad being around, it's definitely going to help me to raise him. If I just do everything the opposite of what my dad did, I think that will make things pretty easy."

"I can joke about it now because I'm past that stage where it used to hurt. By having a kid, it's gone. I could take all that negative energy that I had and put it in a positive way."


Some of the biggest athletes on Earth (LeBron James, for one) were raised by single mothers. But you typically don't hear them talk about it in such emotional language, or in any sort of depth.

Rose grew up in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago. He has three older brothers, and they have sheltered him since he was little. Wrote Will Leitch in a big GQ profile of Rose last year:

"His talent was apparent at once and, by a family in challenging circumstances, nurtured and harbored as if it were the only hope on earth."

Rose told USA Today, "My whole life has been nothing but trying to find a way to take care of my mom and take care of my family as quickly as possible."

Now that he hit it big and has a son of his own, he spoke with an endearing vulnerability about being a father:


"I'll always teach him to be humble. Appreciate everything he has. The value of a dollar. Respect his elders. He's going to be a cool little dude. He is, man. Being around [his mother's] family. They're cool people. This whole experience is going to be great. He's going to have a great group around him."

Head over to USA Today to read the whole thing >

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