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Democrats Are Going After Ted Cruz And Marco Rubio In Spanish Over The Shutdown And Debt Ceiling

Brett LoGiurato   

Democrats Are Going After Ted Cruz And Marco Rubio In Spanish Over The Shutdown And Debt Ceiling

Ted Cruz


The Democratic National Committee is launching a Spanish-language campaign aimed at freshman Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), hitting them for the ongoing federal government shutdown and not raising the nation's debt ceiling.

The committee will also mount Spanish-language efforts in Nevada and Arizona aimed at the "broader" Republican Party in those states.

All of the campaigns will feature robocalls and targeted ads on Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

"We'll continue to hold Republicans like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz accountable for shutting down the government and risking the full faith and credit of the United States," DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said in a statement.

Here's a sample of the robocall script from Florida:

"I'm calling from the DNC with a GOP Shutdown Alert.

Senator Marco Rubio was an architect of the GOP's government shutdown and it's hurting the Latino community in Florida.

Rubio's shutdown is costing the economy as much as $10 billion a week and Republicans are ready to not pay our nation's bills.

Take action - call the Florida GOP at 850-222-7920 and demand that the GOP stop holding the economy hostage.

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee. (202) 863-8000. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee."

The Spanish-language ads are the third stage of the DNC's ad campaign relating to the shutdown and debt-limit debate.

On Tuesday, it launched robocall-based campaigns in the home states of House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). Paul is often mentioned as a top-tier presidential candidate in 2016.

On Wednesday, the DNC began an ad campaign aimed at the early-voting primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada.

There were signs of potential breakthrough in Washington on Thursday, as House Republicans are prepared to extend the nation's ability to borrow to pay its bills for six weeks. But their bill would do nothing to end the standoff on the government shutdown, which entered its 10th day on Thursday.


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