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The 5 worst hand-held weapons of all time

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The 5 worst hand-held weapons of all time



If you've never heard of the sabre-briquet, that's probably because it wasn't very good.

Made during the awkward stage when militaries transitioned from traditional melee weapons to muskets, the sabre-briquet was already obsolete by the time of it's adoption by Napoleon's men.

"Fighting at close quarters, soldiers found they were better off with their bayonets or fighting with clubbed (reversed) muskets," Doughrety writes.

The french officially abandoned the outmoded sabre in 1807, finding it useful for little more than chopping firewood.

Country: France

Year introduced: 1780

Length: Three feet

Weight: Two pounds

Ease of use: High

Users: Napoleonic infantry

Source: "The World's Worst Weapons"

Flintlock sword pistols

Flintlock sword pistols

Flintlock sword pistols represented a gallant attempt to combine the best parts of swords with newly emerging flintlock pistols.

Already flintlock pistols had issues with misfires, and were difficult to use. The addition of a sword to the pistol made it even more unwieldy, and swinging around the pistol in close combat endangered the delicate cap-and-ball charge.

In the even that you successfully struck an opponent with the sword component of the pistol you'd run the risk of a misfire in a gun that is notoriously slow to reload.

Country: France

Year introduced: 1800s

Range: Close

Length: 3 feet

Weight: 2-3 pounds

Users: Militaries, private

Source: "The World's Worst Weapons"

Throwing stars

Throwing stars

To properly use a ninja-star, you'd have to dedicate your life to training with them, only to end up with an underwhelming method of attack.

A "shuriken" or a "ninja star" is incredibly hard to land on point. Even if the the star makes contact on a point, its small size and weight mean it would have little chance at inflicting any more than a flesh wound.

Even for the ninjas who used them in earnest, the ninja star was little more than a distraction, and did little to stop armored samurai.

Year introduced: Unknown

Range: 16 feet

Length: 4 inches

Weight: Negligible

Users: Martial arts fantasists

Source: "The World's Worst Weapons"

Nunchaku (Nun chucks)

Nunchaku (Nun chucks)

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Despite Bruce Lee's dazzling display of nunchaku pageantry in "Enter the Dragon," nunchaku probably represent some of the most flashy, least effective weapons ever made.

Nunchaku were an invention of necessity, when Asian farmers could be punished with death if they were found in possession of real weapons, like swords, staffs, or pikes. The design of two sticks joined by a short chain or chord is simple enough, but in practice you must be extremely skilled to use these weapons convincingly.

Without a lifetime of disciplined practice, the swinging clubs of the nunchaku are just as likely to strike the user as an enemy.

Year introduced: Unknown

Range: Close combat

Length: 19-27 inches

Weight: One pound

Users: Japanese peasants, martial arts fans

Source: "The World's Worst Weapons"

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