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Soviet Russia Had The Most Intense Propaganda Posters

Last two lines: He won't escape the tribunal of nations — And their verdict will be severe

Soviet Russia Had The Most Intense Propaganda Posters

Afghanistan: a bullet from overseas.

Afghanistan: a bullet from overseas.

South Africa. The global policeman

South Africa. The global policeman

Lebanon. Love thy neighbor.

Lebanon. Love thy neighbor.

USA. Bill of rights.

USA. Bill of rights.

Soviet Russia Had The Most Intense Propaganda Posters

Soviet Russia Had The Most Intense Propaganda Posters

Nicaragua. First 'marks.'

Nicaragua. First

Soweto. Might and rights.

Soweto. Might and rights.

USA. Free at last.

USA. Free at last.

Soviet Russia Had The Most Intense Propaganda Posters

Soviet Russia Had The Most Intense Propaganda Posters

Vietnam. Human rights for export.

Vietnam. Human rights for export.

Bloody deeds of imperialism.

Bloody deeds of imperialism.

Vietnam. Yankees walked by.

Vietnam. Yankees walked by.

Angola. Racism in action.

Angola. Racism in action.

The U.S. wasn't without it's prodigious propaganda either.

The U.S. wasn

Aimed at just the same objective — striking horror into the hearts of citizens.

Aimed at just the same objective — striking horror into the hearts of citizens.

There was a different angle of insidious though, in that American propaganda made neighbors afraid of each other.

There was a different angle of insidious though, in that American propaganda made neighbors afraid of each other.

While simultaneously focusing attention beyond borders, and always toward several threats.

While simultaneously focusing attention beyond borders, and always toward several threats.

With the conclusion being an "Us vs. Them" and "Winner take all" scenario.

With the conclusion being an "Us vs. Them" and "Winner take all" scenario.

With heavy emphasis on the military as the only prevention for total annihilation.

With heavy emphasis on the military as the only prevention for total annihilation.

Worst of all, a whole set of comics targeting kids.

Worst of all, a whole set of comics targeting kids.

Now that you've had your brain superbly washed ...

Now that you
