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Photographer captures photos of North Koreans' daily life in summertime - and it's bleak

With few cars, highly-regulated entertainment venues (Pyongyang has about 8 cinemas in total), and frequent electricity shortages, most North Koreans go to bed early.

Photographer captures photos of North Koreans' daily life in summertime - and it's bleak

In the North Korean provinces, people often go swimming in streams and rivers.

In the North Korean provinces, people often go swimming in streams and rivers.

Source: Associated Press

North Koreans still occasionally find bombs and mortar rounds from the Korean War that started in 1953.

North Koreans still occasionally find bombs and mortar rounds from the Korean War that started in 1953.

Source: Associated Press

Former bomb squad member Jong Il Hyon, 44, has this photo of an unexploded bomb his team found near the railway running from Hamhung from Pyongyang.

Former bomb squad member Jong Il Hyon, 44, has this photo of an unexploded bomb his team found near the railway running from Hamhung from Pyongyang.

Source: Associated Press

The poverty is even more abject in the North Korean countryside.

The poverty is even more abject in the North Korean countryside.

Source: Business Insider

In recent years, North Korea has seen an increase in food shortages. Two in five North Koreans are undernourished while basic staples such as soy sauce, eggs, meat, and cooking oil are sometimes hard to come by in local stores.

In recent years, North Korea has seen an increase in food shortages. Two in five North Koreans are undernourished while basic staples such as soy sauce, eggs, meat, and cooking oil are sometimes hard to come by in local stores.

Source: BBC and The Guardian

While the country has few restaurants or cafes, larger offices have canteens where workers can eat lunch or buy snacks.

While the country has few restaurants or cafes, larger offices have canteens where workers can eat lunch or buy snacks.

Source: The Guardian

North Koreans also come to the library for classes, such as the Chinese language class in the photo below.

North Koreans also come to the library for classes, such as the Chinese language class in the photo below.

Despite the high number of white-collar workers, most North Korean offices operate without internet or even computers.

Despite the high number of white-collar workers, most North Korean offices operate without internet or even computers.

Source: The Guardian

The Grand People's Study House is Pyongyang's central library and one of the only places in the country with public access to intranet, North Korea's closed-off computer network system.

The Grand People

Source: Associated Press and BBC

Most of the country's cars belong to state organizations — ordinary citizens usually bike, walk or take public transit to work.

Most of the country

Source: The Guardian

Many North Koreans live in densely-packed high-rise apartments such as this one. Many buildings see frequent shortages in electricity and elevator breakdowns.

Many North Koreans live in densely-packed high-rise apartments such as this one. Many buildings see frequent shortages in electricity and elevator breakdowns.

Source: Associated Press

At school, North Korean children are taught patriotic songs, salute portraits of current leader Kim Jong-Un, and study the life of former leader Kim Il-Sung closely.

At school, North Korean children are taught patriotic songs, salute portraits of current leader Kim Jong-Un, and study the life of former leader Kim Il-Sung closely.

Source: The Guardian

North Koreans start their days early, as approximately 59% of the population works outside the home.

North Koreans start their days early, as approximately 59% of the population works outside the home.

Source: The Guardian

Associated Press photographer Wong Maye-E has been documenting life in North Korea since 2013. Even though she is accompanied by a government minder at all times, she still manages to capture candid moments such as this one.

Associated Press photographer Wong Maye-E has been documenting life in North Korea since 2013. Even though she is accompanied by a government minder at all times, she still manages to capture candid moments such as this one.

Source: Associated Press and TIME

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