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North Korea is a huge presence at the Winter Olympics - here are 7 unprecedented reasons why

The South Korean government allowed North Korean athletes to access The Games by passing through the Demilitarized Zone.

North Korea is a huge presence at the Winter Olympics - here are 7 unprecedented reasons why

North and South Koreans marched under a single unification flag.

North and South Koreans marched under a single unification flag.

For the first time in eight years, North Koreans participated in the winter Olympics. It's not the first time Korean athletes from North and South Korea marched under the unified flag. The countries did so at the 2000 and 2004 summer Olympics.

Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, made a historic trip to South Korea for the Opening Ceremony. It was the first visit from a member of North Korea's ruling family since the 1950s.

Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, made a historic trip to South Korea for the Opening Ceremony. It was the first visit from a member of North Korea

Vice President Mike Pence shared a box with Kim Yo Jong, even though he didn't have to.

Vice President Mike Pence shared a box with Kim Yo Jong, even though he didn

It was reportedly a political statement to show solidarity with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Pence didn't shake hands with Kim Yo Jong and didn't stand when the unified Korean team entered the stadium.

Athletes from North and South Korea joined together to create a unified Korean women’s ice-hockey team.

Athletes from North and South Korea joined together to create a unified Korean women’s ice-hockey team.

It was a symbolic gesture and one that hasn't been made since 1991 when a unified team played in an international table-tennis championship.

The US and South Korea agreed to suspend joint military drills during the Olympic Games.

The US and South Korea agreed to suspend joint military drills during the Olympic Games.

US and South Korean military drills act as a major irritant in the relationship between Pyongyang and Seoul.

Vice President Pence said the US would be willing to talk to North Korea even without the precondition of Pyongyang first agreeing to denuclearize.

Vice President Pence said the US would be willing to talk to North Korea even without the precondition of Pyongyang first agreeing to denuclearize.

The move signals a change in strategy from the Trump Administration which previously said it would engage only if the North placed its nuclear weapons on the negotiating table.

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