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  3. France has one of the strongest militaries in the world - and can use it to bring the fight to ISIS

France has one of the strongest militaries in the world - and can use it to bring the fight to ISIS

France has over 215,000 active-duty troops across all branches of its military.

France has one of the strongest militaries in the world - and can use it to bring the fight to ISIS

France has a network of military bases across Africa, too.

France has a network of military bases across Africa, too.

For more information on, here's a recent history of French military interventions in Africa.

France's navy is 42,100 strong, with 103 surface vessels and 10 submarines.


France builds its own warships, and was set to supply two mistral-class helicopter carriers to Russia. The deal was eventually canceled amid growing tensions between Europe and Moscow.

France builds its own warships, and was set to supply two mistral-class helicopter carriers to Russia. The deal was eventually canceled amid growing tensions between Europe and Moscow.

France operates the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier outside of the US, the Charles de Gualle.

France operates the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier outside of the US, the Charles de Gualle.

France's aircraft carrier isn't the biggest on earth — but it's an important tool for power projection.


France has a nuclear deterrent as well. Paris maintains up to 300 warheads which are carried on submarine-launched ballistic missiles, as well as missiles that can be fired from fighter aircraft.

France has a nuclear deterrent as well. Paris maintains up to 300 warheads which are carried on submarine-launched ballistic missiles, as well as missiles that can be fired from fighter aircraft.

France's regular Army is 112,800 strong, with another 18,000 reserves.


The French army includes the French Foreign Legion, an elite force that accepts recruits from any nation or background. The Legion has fighters from more than 150 countries, and is famous for fighting in conditions where death is nearly certain.

The French army includes the French Foreign Legion, an elite force that accepts recruits from any nation or background. The Legion has fighters from more than 150 countries, and is famous for fighting in conditions where death is nearly certain.

Foreigners who join the Legion are can apply for French citizenship after three years of service, or if they're wounded during service.

Foreigners who join the Legion are can apply for French citizenship after three years of service, or if they

France's air force consists of 57,000 airmen and over 600 planes.


Many of France's jets are Mirage and Rafale fighters — both of which are built in France.

Many of France

French troops have been battle-tested recently. In 2013, France came to the defense of the Malian government, sending troops to reverse a jihadist offensive and secure the northern half of the country. French peacekeepers have been deployed to other hotspots as well, including the Central African Republic.

French troops have been battle-tested recently. In 2013, France came to the defense of the Malian government, sending troops to reverse a jihadist offensive and secure the northern half of the country. French peacekeepers have been deployed to other hotspots as well, including the Central African Republic.

France has also been bombing ISIS targets since September 2014 as part of a US-led coalition fighting the jihadist group. French aircraft have flown more than 1,285 missions against Islamic State targets in Iraq.

France has also been bombing ISIS targets since September 2014 as part of a US-led coalition fighting the jihadist group. French aircraft have flown more than 1,285 missions against Islamic State targets in Iraq.

France also has one other big asset: it's a member of NATO, the most powerful military alliance in history. France has a powerful military of its own — but it's allied with the strongest armed forces in the world, which are obligated to come to France's defense under article V of the NATO charter.

France also has one other big asset: it

"This principle is enshrined in Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which states that an attack on one Ally shall be considered an attack on all Allies." - NATO.

The US invoked Article 5 after the attacks on September 11.

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