scorecardA Walk Around The Small German Village Outside Of The US Air Force's European Headquarters
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A Walk Around The Small German Village Outside Of The US Air Force's European Headquarters

Wandering through the residential districts of Ramstein, the town seems like a thoroughly German country village.

A Walk Around The Small German Village Outside Of The US Air Force's European Headquarters

The houses are charming and well maintained, and the nearby air base is completely hidden from view.

The houses are charming and well maintained, and the nearby air base is completely hidden from view.

Within the center of the town is a quaint shopping street with a variety of restaurants and a few pubs.

Within the center of the town is a quaint shopping street with a variety of restaurants and a few pubs.

The locally baked German cakes and pastries are fantastic.

The locally baked German cakes and pastries are fantastic.

Downtown in the central square is a local art museum, the town library, and a pedestrian area.

Downtown in the central square is a local art museum, the town library, and a pedestrian area.

Close to the main shopping street, like in any German town worth its salt, is an impressive church.

Close to the main shopping street, like in any German town worth its salt, is an impressive church.

Across from the church is an American-style barber shop, an indicator of the tens of thousands of expats living nearby.

Across from the church is an American-style barber shop, an indicator of the tens of thousands of expats living nearby.

Close by is J.F. Kennedy Platz, a pleasant residential square named after the iconic US president.

Close by is J.F. Kennedy Platz, a pleasant residential square named after the iconic US president.

Signs of American cultural influence are ubiquitous in the town, ranging from English-language notices for an "anything but clothes" party ...

Signs of American cultural influence are ubiquitous in the town, ranging from English-language notices for an "anything but clothes" party ...

... To billboards advertising Tricare healthcare benefits.

... To billboards advertising Tricare healthcare benefits.

The most visible reminder of the nearby presence of Americans might actually be the number of car dealerships throughout the town. The dealerships specifically target Americans — with the promise of their purchases being tax free.

The most visible reminder of the nearby presence of Americans might actually be the number of car dealerships throughout the town. The dealerships specifically target Americans — with the promise of their purchases being tax free.

While the dealerships signify the American presence, the real estate market in Ramstein shows how Germans are expecting Americans to stay for the long-term. Americans working at Ramstein are allowed to live off-base, and a majority of them do.

While the dealerships signify the American presence, the real estate market in Ramstein shows how Germans are expecting Americans to stay for the long-term. Americans working at Ramstein are allowed to live off-base, and a majority of them do.

Numerous apartments are built or refurbished with US citizens in mind and they feature amenities that ex-pats would love — such as flat-rate calling back to the States.

Numerous apartments are built or refurbished with US citizens in mind and they feature amenities that ex-pats would love — such as flat-rate calling back to the States.

Businesses throughout the town also proudly display their ability to conduct work in both English and German.

Businesses throughout the town also proudly display their ability to conduct work in both English and German.

Ramstein is surprisingly international for its size. It has a range of restaurants including Indian, Mexican, Korean, and Thai.

Ramstein is surprisingly international for its size. It has a range of restaurants including Indian, Mexican, Korean, and Thai.

During the summer, the town held free concerts every week with bands playing everything from Cuban to Irish music.

During the summer, the town held free concerts every week with bands playing everything from Cuban to Irish music.

Ramstein is still very much a German town. The region even holds an annual wine festival, in slight competition with Oktoberfest in eastern Germany.

Ramstein is still very much a German town. The region even holds an annual wine festival, in slight competition with Oktoberfest in eastern Germany.

You've seen what life is like in the village ...

