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27 beautiful photographs of cinema's most iconic blades

Ghostface's blade from "Scream"

27 beautiful photographs of cinema's most iconic blades

Sweeney Todd's razor from "Sweeney Todd"

Sweeney Todd

The Joker's knife from "The Dark Knight"

The Joker

Ace Merrill's knife from "Stand By Me"

Ace Merrill

MacGyver's all-purpose pocket knife from "MacGyver"


Riddick's sword from "The Chronicles of Riddick"


Jack Burton's dagger from "Big Troubles in Little China"

Jack Burton

Jason Voorhees' machete from the "Friday the 13th" series

Jason Voorhees

Bilbo and Frodo Baggins' Sting from "The Lord of the Rings"

Bilbo and Frodo Baggins

The scythe from "Children of the Corn"

The scythe from "Children of the Corn"

Beatrix Kiddo's Hattori Hanzo sword in the "Kill Bill" series

Beatrix Kiddo

Darth Vader's lightsaber in the "Star Wars" saga

Darth Vader

Machete's machete in "Machete"


Jack Torrance's ax from "The Shining"

Jack Torrance

Dastan's shamshir from "Prince of Persia"


Oh Dae-Su's not quite blade from "Oldboy"

Oh Dae-Su

The Uruk-Hai's broadswords from "Lord of the Rings"

The Uruk-Hai

He-Man's Power Sword from "He-Man"


Link's Master Sword from the "Legend of Zelda" videogame series


King Arthur's Excalibur from "King Arthur"

King Arthur

The Spartan sword from "300"

The Spartan sword from "300"

The Macleod Clan sword from "Highlander"

The Macleod Clan sword from "Highlander"

Jack Sparrow's blade from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series

Jack Sparrow

Blade's katana from the "Blade" series


William Wallace's claymore from "Braveheart"

William Wallace

Conan's broadsword from the "Conan" series


Gus Fring's boxcutter from "Breaking Bad"

Gus Fring

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