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13 of the most notorious crimes in American history

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln — April 15, 1865

13 of the most notorious crimes in American history

Sacco and Vanzetti — April 15, 1920

Sacco and Vanzetti — April 15, 1920

"Long live anarchy." Those were the last words spoken by Nicola Sacco before being electrocuted on August 23, 1927.

Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were two anarchist Italian immigrants, who were found guilty of killing a paymaster and a guard of a shoe factory in South Braintree, Massachusetts in April 1920 and of stealing $16,000 in payroll money.

Both were brought together by their support of anarchist Luigi Galleani's militant activities and fled to Mexico in 1917 to avoid being drafted to fight in World War I. Their trial received worldwide attention.

Both were arrested for the shoe factory robbery although they had never been convicted of a crime before and later found guilty by a jury despite "contradictions in eyewitness testimonies and questionable ballistics evidence."

The trial was largely perceived as being unfair and sparked protests which eventually forced the Massachusetts governor to order an investigatory commission which agreed with the jury.

The countless books and legal reviews written on the trial have now mostly confirmed Sacco's guilt, but Vanzetti's remains questioned.

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre — February 14, 1929

The Saint Valentine

Prohibition was a windfall for organized crime in America, and for gangsters Alphonse "Scarface Al" Capone and George "Bugs" Moran in particular.

The two gangsters' rivalry led to one of the most well-known incidents of organized crime in the US, which led to the murder of six mobsters and one other person on Valentine's Day in 1929.

One of Capone's top men, Jack "Machine Gun" McGurn, was sure that Moran had tried to kill him twice before he decided to stage a set-up designed to kill Moran and some of his men.

He lured Moran into a garage at 2122 North Clark street on Valentine's day by pretending there was an opportunity to buy cheap whiskey from a bootlegger. Moran went for it, although he was not one of the seven men killed that day. He was either late or saw the police car in front of the house and hid, according to varying accounts.

The police car Moran might have seen was a fake one. This was part of McGurn's plot. Four people entered the garage, two men wearing police uniforms and two men dressed in plain clothes.

The plan was to make it look like a regular raid against bootlegging, and the plan worked perfectly. The Valentine's Day massacre, as it would come to be known, also marked a turning point for the fight against gangs in Chicago.

At the time, William Russel, the police commissioner of the city said, "We're going to make this the knell of gangdom in Chicago."

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

The Lindbergh Baby kidnapping — March 13, 1932

The Lindbergh Baby kidnapping — March 13, 1932

The kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh's 20-month-old child on March 1, 1932 was dubbed the crime of the century at the time.

Lindbergh was the first man ever to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic, from New York to Paris in 1927. He subsequently received the $25,000 Orteig Prize, the French Légion d'Honneur, and America's Congressional Medal of Honor. He was widely viewed as an American hero.

This explains the shock and coverage the kidnapping of his young son received in 1932. The boy disappeared from his crib on the second floor of the family house in New Jersey, where a ransom note demanding $50,000 was found. The note claimed the child was in good care. The family called the state police straight away.

A few days later, a new note upped the ransom by $20,000. What followed was a weird string of events including a retired teacher who volunteered to be a go-between and met twice with the alleged kidnapper. During the second meeting, the teacher handed over the ransom and was told to look for the child in a boat off the coast of Martha's Vineyard.

The child was never found.

A little over two months after the kidnapping, the body of the child was found in the woods close to the Lindberghs' home in New Jersey. The New York Times reported that there was "as strong possibility that he had been killed on the very night of the kidnapping."

The FBI then started to investigate the matter and on September 19, 1934, arrested Bruno Richard Hauptmann. The German-born man was hiding $13,750 of the $50,000 ransom in his garage. He was indicted for extortion and later for murder and kidnapping. His trial began in January 1935 and on February 13, a jury found him guilty. He was electrocuted on April 3, 1936.

Since the kidnapping, many conspiracy theories have surfaced including that the child's nanny was involved and that the retired teacher was also to blame. Many also maintain that Hauptmann did not get a fair trial because of Lindbergh's status and fame.

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy — November 22, 1963

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy — November 22, 1963

The assassination of John F. Kennedy is maybe the most researched, talked about, debated, and contested crimes in American history.

The Warren Commission, which was tasked with investigating the murder, found a 24-year old ex-Marine named Lee Harvey Oswald, and Oswald alone, shot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.

But for many skeptics, the findings of the Warren Commission don't add up and raise more questions than answers.

Oswald was raised by a single mother in New Orleans. Throughout his life, he showed an inability to settle down. He became enamored with Communism and tried to live in Moscow, but he was denied citizenship.

After shooting Kennedy, Oswald fled the depository and killed an officer along the way. When he was finally apprehended, he famously said, "I'm just a patsy."

This statement, along with Oswald's murder at the hands of vigilante and local strip-club owner, Jack Ruby, has spawned countless conspiracy theories.

How was such a high-profile suspect killed by a random vigilante? How did Oswald orchestrate the attack? Was he working with the Cubans? The Russians?

The nation lost a young, charismatic president in his prime, and with Oswald dead, we may never truly know exactly how or why.

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

Charles Manson and his "family" — the late 1960s

Charles Manson and his "family" — the late 1960s

In August 1969, Sharon Tate, the pregnant wife of Roman Polanski, was murdered in her home along with four other people.

Her killers were Charles Manson and his "family" of followers.

Manson was obsessed with the apocalypse and told his followers on August 8, 1969 that it was time for the apocalypse and ordered them to kill everyone in "that house where Melcher used to live." (Manson and producer Terry Melcher were friends).

Manson sent four of his followers to the house where they killed five people, including Sharon Tate. Manson had already ordered one of his followers to go kill another man a few days earlier.

In 1971, Manson was found guilty of conspiracy to commit seven murders. He was sentenced to death but his sentence was automatically commuted to a death sentence after California suspended the death penalty in 1972. Although the state reinstated the death penalty six years later, Manson's sentence was not affected.

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. — April 4, 1968

Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. — April 4, 1968

Even early on in his life, it was clear that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be a force to be reckoned with in the fight for equal rights.

Born in 1929 Atlanta, King bore witness to the inequalities in the American South under oppressive Jim Crow Laws.

Unlike other civil rights leaders of the time, King modeled his movement after Ghandi 's nonviolent noncompliance. King vocally criticized racial inequality and the Vietnam war, which earned him the respect of many, and a wire tap from the FBI. But that didn't stop him from leading a march to Washington, D.C. to deliver his now-famous "I have a dream" speech.

But while King was ushering the nation into a new era of equality and inclusion, a career criminal named James Earl Ray broke out of prison and made his way to Canada.

On April 3, 1968, as King stood on the balcony of a Memphis Motel room, a shot rang out, passing through King's neck and chin. King would be pronounced dead an hour later.

Ray was eventually captured and confessed to the killing. However, he later recanted his confession and claimed a man named "Raoul" was the mastermind behind the plot. Ray's checkered past and his reference to the "Raoul" character have spawned a number of conspiracy theories.

To this day, people doubt the official story behind King's death. How could a philosophical icon be struck down by such a hapless drifter?

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

Watergate break-in — June 17, 1972

Watergate break-in — June 17, 1972

The Watergate Hotel wasn't known as anything more than a fancy Washington, D.C. hotel until June 17, 1972, when five men were arrested in the wee hours of the morning after trying to bug the offices of the Democratic National Committee.

The DNC was in the process of running its candidate, George McGovern, against the incumbent Richard M. Nixon. They would lose in a landslide, but the Watergate scandal, and the resulting cover-up would haunt the Nixon administration over the next two years.

The GOP's Committee to Re-elect the President, officially known as CRP, but later known as CREEP, went to criminal lengths to ensure their man stayed in office by breaking into the DNC's office.

The arrest of the five men gave the media a taste of the administration's blood, and from then on they were all over the story like hounds. Led by a mysterious inside source called "Deep Throat," two intrepid Washington Post reporters traced the wrongdoing to the highest level of the administration.

On August 9, 1974, The Washington Post, which had doggedly followed the case, ran an article on the front page that stated "Richard Milhous Nixon announced last night that he will resign as the 37th president of the United States at noon today."

The scandal rocked the nation to the core. Nixon said, "I regret deeply any injuries that may have been done in the course of the events that led to this decision."

Nixon's Vice President, Gerald Ford, would pardon Nixon of his crimes, but the damage to Nixon's reputation had been done.

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

The deaths of Sid and Nancy — October 12, 1978

The deaths of Sid and Nancy — October 12, 1978

One of the most famous tragic love stories of modern times ended in a bloody murder at the storied Chelsea Hotel in New York.

John Simon Richie, renamed Sid Vicious, was a member of the famous and influential British punk rock band the Sex Pistols. Nancy Spungen was a "problem child almost from birth," according to her mother's biography. She left her parents' home in Pennsylvania and eventually moved to the UK where she was "hoping to hook into the punk scene."

The two met and what followed was a short and intense relationship. After the Sex Pistols broke up during a US tour in 1978, Sid and Nancy's — as the duo is known — heroin addiction deepened and Richie started getting violent toward Spungen.

The two stayed together at the Chelsea Hotel, where on October 12 police were called to their hotel room to find Spungen dead under the sink with a single stab wound to her abdomen.

Richie — who was found wandering the halls — was charged with her murder but released on bail a day later. He went back to jail in December after attacking another musician and was again released on bail. He died less than a day after his release, from a heroin overdose.

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

The Gardner Museum Heist — March 18, 1990

The Gardner Museum Heist — March 18, 1990

On March 18, 1990, two thieves committed the largest private property theft in US history.

As Bostonians were busy celebrating Saint Patrick's day, two men dressed as police officers convinced the security guards of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum to let them in. They then tied them up and stole 13 works of art, including one Vermeer, one Manet, five Degases, and three Rembrants.

The works of art are estimated to have been worth over $300 million.

Although several leads were investigated, the two suspects were never caught and none of the artworks was ever returned.

The Gardner Museum still offers $5 million for information leading to the recovery of the stolen paintings and drawings.

Source: Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History, FBI, The Gardner Museum

The murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman — June 12, 1994

The murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman — June 12, 1994

Orenthal James "O.J." Simpson was one of the best-ever college football players, and one of the all-time great running backs in the sport.

When his ex-wife was brutally murdered along with a friend in Los Angeles' expensive Brentwood neighborhood on June 12, 1992, initially many felt sympathy for Simpson.

But, as the ex-spouse of a murder victim, police quickly began to investigate Simpson. Detectives at the scene of the crime found bloody footprints and a bloody glove. At Simpson's home bloodstains on his driveway, car, and socks suggested that he was the killer.

The police then asked Simpson to turn himself in, but he was nowhere to be found. A surreal low-speed car chase ensued, with police following a white Ford Bronco driven by Simpson. The chase was broadcast on live TV, and ended when Simpson reached his home and surrendered.

The next six months gave way to an epic legal battle that may rightly claim the title of "trial of the century."

In just four hours, the jury decided that Simpson was not guilty. To this day, the crime remains one of the most famous in American history.

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

Oklahoma City bombing — April 19, 1995

Oklahoma City bombing — April 19, 1995

April 19 holds a huge historical significance for the US.

On April 19, 1775, "the shot heard around the world," was fired in Massachusetts, beginning the Revolutionary War.

On April 19, 1993, federal agents stormed the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, starting a fire that destroyed the compound and took the lives of more than 70.

And on April 19, 1995, former US Army soldier Timothy McVeigh drove a truck filled with two and a half tons of homemade explosives up to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and detonated it, killing 168 and injuring 800.

McVeigh saw himself as acting in revenge for the heavy-handed response to the Waco, Texas cultists. He chose the federal building because he believed the agents responsible worked there.

He killed 16 children in a daycare facility and over 150 other people.

McVeigh was executed on June 11, 2001.

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

The murder of Laci Peterson — December 24, 2002

The murder of Laci Peterson — December 24, 2002

Laci Peterson was murdered just before Christmas in 2002. At the time she was eight months pregnant with her first child.

It was her husband, Scott Peterson, who reported her missing on Christmas Eve, saying he had last seen her that morning when he left for an all-day fishing trip. From the start, the police detective in charge of the inquiry said something did not seem right.

A few days later, a woman from Fresno, Amber Frey, called the police after seeing the coverage of Laci's disappearance, telling them Peterson had been her boyfriend for over one month. As police continued to investigate the murder, they found out that Peterson had bought a $250,000 life insurance policy on his wife.

In April, the body of a tiny baby turned up in San Francisco Bay, and the next day one of a woman, less than five miles from where Peterson had supposedly been fishing on Christmas Eve. A few days later, police arrested him in San Diego with $15,000 in cash on him.

After it was confirmed the bodies were those of Laci Peterson and her son, Peterson was charged with two counts of murder. After several months of a highly publicized investigation and five months of trial, the jury returned its verdict on November 12: Guilty.

Peterson was later sentenced to death and in on death row at San Quentin State Prison in California. He still claims his innocence.

Source: "Life: The Most Notorious Crimes in American History"

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