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Crocs Is Acting Totally Embarrassed By Its Signature Shoes

Ashley Lutz   

Crocs Is Acting Totally Embarrassed By Its Signature Shoes
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Crocs is trying to distance itself from the rubber clogs that made the brand famous.

This according to Matt Townsend at Bloomberg Businessweek, who says that the company is trying to double sales in the next five years and doesn't feel it can do it with the polarizing clogs.

"Search online for 'hate crocs' and you’ll quickly see why Crocs is eager to downplay the clunky clogs it unleashed on an unsuspecting world 11 years ago," Townsend writes. "Bloggers have denounced the rubbery footwear as ugly and an escalator tripping hazard. On YouTube, a woman cuts a yellow pair into pieces and then feeds them to a blender."

CEO John McCarvel wants to win customers over with the brand's other products, like wedges, sneakers, and ballet flats.

McCarvel said he would be marketing new products before the rubber clogs.

“If someone wants them,” McCarvel told Businessweek, “make them walk through all the new stuff first.”


