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Corbyn is pushing for a final Brexit deal vote -something May has pledged already

Lianna Brinded   

Corbyn is pushing for a final Brexit deal vote -something May has pledged already

Jeremy Corbyn


Britain's opposition Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

LONDON - Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will launch a fresh bid to try and force the Conservative government to allow politicians to vote on Britain's final Brexit deal.

There's just one problem: Prime Minister Theresa May has already said she will do this, when she delivered her landmark speech last week.

According to a report in The Telegraph, "Corbyn is planning to table an amendment which would formally require the Government to commit to a second vote on the final terms of any deal before Britain leaves the EU."

However, one of the key points in May's speech on January 17 was that she said both MPs and the Lords will be given a final vote on the deal the UK government manages to negotiate with the EU.

This means that Parliament will have the opportunity to either approve or turn down the deal that May and EU leaders establish at the end of the two-year negotiating process initiated by the triggering of Article 50.

Meanwhile, one of the most important legal cases in British history will reach its conclusion on Tuesday morning, when the Supreme Court's 11 justices rule whether May must secure parliamentary approval before triggering Article 50 and initiating the country's formal departure from the EU.

The verdict is set to be handed down at 09:30 a.m. (GMT) by Supreme Court President Lord Neuberger.

The Telegraph pointed out in its report that Corbyn has yet to decide whether he will force his party's MPs to vote in favour of triggering Article 50 or not, if the government loses its Supreme Court case. The spokesperson for the Prime Minister said on Monday that May will stick to triggering Article 50 by the end of March.

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