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Consumer and retail news: 10 things you need to know today

Nov 9, 2015, 21:42 IST

Starbucks Facebook

1. People upset with Starbucks plain red cups are fighting back

Starbucks used to adorn cups with holiday symbols and greetings. Now, some customers are angry at the plain new cups. One customer protested by telling baristas his name was "Merry Christmas" so they'd write it on the cup.

2. This beer is going vegan

It took 256 years for Guinness stout to go vegan. The classic brand previously used fish bladders as part of the brewing process. Guinness has plans to switch to a new vegan-friendly filtering system in 2016.

3. Taco Bell's emoji campaign

Taco Bell launched a social marketing campaign in celebration of the new taco emoji. People who tweet a pic of a taco emoji with another emoji at the brand's account will automatically be sent back a photo or GIF mashing up the two images. 

4. Walmart re-opens four supercenter locations

Four of the five Walmart Supercenters that abruptly closed this spring because of plumbing issues reopened on Friday.

5. Meijer names a new SVP of foods 

Tod Pepin has been named Meijer's senior vice president of foods for the Michigan-based chain.

6. McDonald's poised to rule fast food again 

Six months after McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook unveiled his turnaround strategy for the business, there are signs that it's working. US same-store sales ticked up 0.9% in the most recent quarter, the first quarterly increase in two years, and investors seem optimistic about the business going forward. Shares are up 20% this year.


7. Oreo introduces personalized packaging

A first-time-ever experience for the brand that lets fans customize the packaging of original Oreo cookies at shop.oreo.com. As a limited time offer, Oreo turns the cookie's wrapper into a canvas for imagination and personalization during the holiday season. 
Oreo website

8. Kroger is building the grocery store of the future

The company is making some high-tech updates on how a grocery store functions. For example, few customers probably are aware that every time they walk into a Kroger, an infrared camera notes their arrival.

9. Adidas posts double digit growth in profits and revenue 

Adidas is ready for a comeback by is showing impressive momentum in sales. 

10. See what people have to say about the caffeine-free coffee shop in NYC

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