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Connecticut Lawmaker Says Gun-Rights Bullies Are Threatening His Town

Jan 17, 2013, 00:29 IST

MSNBCSelectman Dennis TraceyThe town of Weston, Conn., has been receiving "veiled physical threats" ever since its lawmakers proposed tightening gun rules.


Selectman Dennis Tracey told MSNBC's Jansing & Co. that the town received "significant pressure from outside" groups when the Board of Selectman announced new gun law proposals.

"We’ve gotten emails and phone calls at our homes from all over the country … from people who really don’t care about the people of our town but really have an agenda to push and are trying to put pressure on us to stop our rational conversation," he added.

Weston is about 20 miles away from Newtown, the site of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.

The proposal Tracey has been developing would ban assault and automatic weapons and would require registration of all firearms in town, TheWestonForum.com reported last week.


But those possible bans have caused people who don't even live in Weston to respond with litigious threats, Tracey says.

“The other threats we’ve gotten from people outside of Weston is that they will sue us no matter what ordinance we pass,” Tracey told MSNBC. “That is something we have to consider because we are a small town. We have limited financial resources. And the outside lobbying groups have unlimited financial resources. So we have to be careful what we do in our town to make sure that we’re financially responsible.”

To that end, Tracey has recommended the the Weston Board of Selectman hold off on adopting any proposal until the federal government implements its own changes, TheWestonForum.com reported Wednesday.

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