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Connected Devices Now Outnumber People In U.S. Homes

Heather Leonard   

Connected Devices Now Outnumber People In U.S. Homes

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Internet Connected Devices Surpass Half A Billion In U.S. Homes (The NPD Group)
There are now more than half a billion devices in U.S. homes that are connected to the Internet and deliver apps, according to The NPD Group. Increases in tablet and smartphone penetration drove the U.S. market to this milestone. Overall, the number of connected devices per U.S. Internet household has grown to 5.7, up from 5.3 devices three months ago. In that time frame, the installed base of tablets increased by nearly 18 million and there are nearly 9 million more smartphones users. Apple and Samsung remained the most prevalent smartphone brands, and Apple continues to dominate the tablet market. Read >>

Four Mobile Search Trends (Search Engine Land)
The 2013 Search Marketing Expo conference panel, "Trends in Mobile Search," was moderated by Search Engine Land’s Greg Sterling and included Raj Kapoor of Microsoft, Jason Lehmbeck of DataPop, Bryson Meunier of Resolution Media, and Michael Martin. Here's what they discussed:

Does Mobile Search Exist? It is the number one mobile browser activity.

search browser activity mobile

Search Engine Land

How Prominent Is Mobile Search? By the end of 2013, a mobile device will drive one out of every three searches.

mobile search percentage

Search Engine Land

Check out the full article for the final two trends. Read >>

Mobile Advertising To Exceed 15 Percent Of Online Spending (M&C Saatchi Mobile)
The mobile advertising industry is expected to be worth $17 billion by 2017 as smartphones and other connected devices continue to impact the sector according to a new white paper from M&C Saatchi Mobile. Mobile advertising revenue worldwide will rise 16 percent in 2013, from $9.6 billion in 2012 to $11.2 billion in 2013, predicts the report. This figure will rise to $24.5 billion in 2016. It’s estimated that the mobile advertising market will account for over 15.5 percent of the total online advertising market. Read >>

mobile email marketing


A Poor Mobile Email Will Lead To Unsubscribe (Marketing Pilgrim)
According to a new report from BlueHornet, a poorly displayed email will send 30.2 percent of users rushing to click the unsubscribe button. This is up from 18 percent last year. A year ago, mobile email wasn’t that common, so it was easy to forgive a company for not getting on board. Now, though, there’s no excuse for a poorly executed email. The slightly better news is that the overwhelming majority of consumers would simply delete a bad email. Most users still unsubscribe because they get too many emails. Read >>

What Segment Will Continue To Drive Google Growth? (Seeking Alpha)
Google needs a driver, something that can fuel its recent growth level or at least sustain it. Despite Google's core search business remaining strong, current growth rates must be supplemented by secondary businesses for stability. Several potential catalysts that can fuel Google's future growth include expansions in its mobile advertising business, YouTube, Motorola Mobility, and recent Project X ventures including Google Glass. Read >>


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