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Conan O'Brien Deletes Racist Tweet About New Muslim Ms. Marvel Superhero

Nov 12, 2013, 00:00 IST

Conan O'Brien's Twitter feed is filled with jokes that he blasts out to his over 9 million followers.


But one joke last week didn't sit so well with fans.

Friday evening, O'Brien posted a joke about Marvel's new Muslim female superhero - Kamala Khan, a 16-year-old Muslim girl from New Jersey who transforms into Ms. Marvel after she's suddenly bestowed with special powers - that has resulted in major backlash and accusations of racism against the comedian.

The tweet, screen captured by Mediaite below, has since been deleted from O'Brien's account:



Mediaite also gathered some of the angry responses on Twitter:


Many Twitter users also pointed out that Khan is an assimilated American teenager - not in a polygamous marriage - and that O'Brien should have learned more about the character before making an insensitive, stereotypical joke.

And, as Mediaite notes, "even if O'Brien didn't personally come up with this off-base joke, you have to think he approves messages that get sent out to 9 million of his closest friends."

O'Brien has not responded to the controversy.

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