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Come Hear The World's Largest Buyer Of Digital Ads At IGNITION: Future of Marketing In NYC

May 1, 2014, 00:00 IST

New York Public Library


Hear about the future of marketing from the man who oversees the world's largest digital media spend.

Rob Norman, Chief Digital Officer at GroupM, will join us on Thursday, June 12, at the New York Public Library for our first IGNITION "conversation series" event, IGNITION: Future of Marketing.

We'll cover:

  • Will online video be the king of all media?
  • What really works in mobile?
  • Targeting and programmatic trading: Is audience a commodity?
  • Who needs agencies?
  • Will media be disintermediated?

Norman will be joined by one of the world's savviest digital marketers, GE's executive director of global brand marketing, Linda Boff, and several others to be announced in the coming weeks. Business Insider's editor-in-chief and CEO Henry Blodget will host the evening, with the audience capped at 250 brand marketers, publishers, and agency execs. We'll have plenty of opportunity for networking over drinks.


IGNITION: Future of Marketing kicks off Business Insider's new Conversation Series, up-close and interactive forays into the most pressing topics in digital. Over the coming months, we'll be announcing additional events focusing on key areas, including the New Retail and the Internet of Things. Capping it all off will be our flagship event, IGNITION: Future of Digital, at The Times Center in New York City, Dec. 1-3. This year's headliner: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. (Snap up an all-IGNITION pass now at a discount!)

Tickets for IGNITION: Future of Marketing are on sale now. Seating is limited, so please register early.

P.S. If you're interested in sponsorship opportunities at Future of Marketing, contact ignition@businessinsider.com.

Follow @BI_Events on Twitter for event updates.

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