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CNBC's Najarian Brothers Have A Totally Epic Thanksgiving Meal

Linette Lopez   

CNBC's Najarian Brothers Have A Totally Epic Thanksgiving Meal
Finance1 min read

Pete, Jon Najarian Mandy Drury

Instagram, Jon Najarian

Business Insider did a quick fly around Wall Street to see what hedge funders, media personalities, and more are eating this holiday - and when all the dishes were in, we couldn't help but give CNBC's Najarian brothers their own shout out.


Because Jon and Pete Najarian - options traders, CNBC Fast Money personalities, and former football stars - have an unquestionably epic meal for Thanksgiving.

In fact, some might argue that it's dangerous. Do not try this at home if you lack the equipment/experience.

You'll soon see why.

In a note to Business Insider Jon said: "My favorite Thanksgiving foods are in this order: Deep Fried Cajun Turkey, Popeye's Cajun Gravy, Bourbon Pecan Pie, Pumpkin Chiffon Pie, and Sweet Potato Pie."

He had us at "deep fried" and by the time he got to "Popeye's" we had to know more.

"My brothers Dave and Paul own Popeye's Fried Chicken franchises," said Jon. "Thursday morning, as is tradition, we bring two seasoned 18 lb birds to one of their restaurants. We drop for 45 minutes while we BS and talk about family and so on. Then we bring the turkeys home where about 25 Najarian's dig in."

The cooking process sounds dangerous. What sounds even more dangerous, though, is getting between 25 Najarians and the turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving guys.


