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Chuck Schumer Calls TSA Decision To Allow Small Knives On Planes 'Baffling'

Mar 11, 2013, 20:16 IST

Senator Chuck Schumer has joined the critics of the TSA decision, announced last week, to end a post-9/11 ban on carrying pocket knives some sporting equipment in airplanes.


At a news conference Sunday afternoon, Schumer showed off a knife he said would be allowed under the changed rules, according to CNN.

He said, "It looks dangerous and it is dangerous. This can kill someone."

A press release from Schumer's office described the TSA decision as "baffling," and accused it of putting passengers and crew in danger:

Schumer today called on the TSA to continue to ban knives and other dangerous items from airplanes as they could potentially put passengers, flight attendants, pilots and even the structural integrity of the plane at risk. He said that the policy change posed a risk, but would provide few tangible benefits for passengers.


TSA administrator John Pistole has said the change is meant to conform with international standards, and to allow its agents to focus on "risk-based" security and explosive detection.

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