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Chrysler Auto Sales Jump

Aug 1, 2014, 15:09 IST

REUTERS/Molly RileyA 1955 Chrysler 300

Chrysler just announced that its U.S. auto sales increased by 20% in July. However, it was a bit lighter than the 22.5% jump expected.


Throughout the day, the world's big automakers will announce their July U.S. sales stats.

Analysts estimate the annualized pace of sales slipped to 16.7 million units in July from 16.9 million in June.

"Mid-month industry surveys indicate that overall sales only pulled back slightly in July after rising to an eight-year high of 16.9 million in June, and our AlphaWise team is seeing similar trends," Morgan Stanley's Ted Wieseman said. "Retail sales appear to have moved higher, but fleet demand pulled back after strong upside last month."

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