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Chris Christie Fires Back At Jon Stewart Segment, And Says It Has 'No Relation To The Truth'

Brett LoGiurato   

Chris Christie Fires Back At Jon Stewart Segment, And Says It Has 'No Relation To The Truth'

Chris Christie

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie fired back at some harsh criticism from comedian Jon Stewart on Thursday, saying Stewart's segment blasting him on New Jersey's special election has "no relation to the truth."

Christie on Thursday appointed New Jersey Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa to serve as the state's interim senator, replacing the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg. Chiesa said he will not be a candidate to run for the permanent position, which will be filled in a special election in October.

Christie has taken heat for setting the date in October and set himself up for charges that he's playing politics with his own re-election.

"That is such a self-serving, corrupt abuse of power. I miss New Jersey so much," Stewart quipped on a segment of "The Daily Show" Wednesday night. "It's just hard to see corrupt abuse of power and not think about home."

Stewart played a clip of Christie in 2009, saying that if the situation arose, he couldn't imagine a situation in which "any responsible governor" would hold a special election that would cost taxpayers an extra $10 million.

But Christie said those comments arose when discussing a bill that proposed to do away with special elections and make it so that the governor would have to replace a retiring senator with someone in the same party as the outgoing senator.

The last time New Jersey filled a vacant Senate seat was when Corzine replaced himself with then-Rep. Robert Menendez, after Corzine became New Jersey's governor in 2006.

"What Jon did on television last night was typical. It was funny. I laughed," Christie said. "But it has absolutely no relation to the truth of my position. ... This is a much different contest, and a much different time. It's good for 'The Daily Show,' but it doesn't make any sense in terms of what we're talking about here."


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