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Chipotle Is One Step Closer To Entering The Breakfast Market

Sep 24, 2013, 00:39 IST

WikiMedia CommonsChipotle is testing coffee at select locations in Washington D.C.


Because Chipotle also sells breakfast burritos at one of these locations, the industry is wildly speculating that Chipotle might be closer than ever to offering breakfast.

"This could be the beginnings of a potential wider breakfast rollout for Chipotle, which at present-to the best of our knowledge-only opens for breakfast in two airport locations and only serves breakfast items at one," according to a Janney research note republished by The Wall Street Journal.

"Fast-food burger chains have made breakfast a focus in recent years while Starbucks is set to roll out more food at its outposts," The WSJ's Kevin Kingsburg writes.

The Huffington Post's Joe Satran writes that Chipotle's collaboration with La Colombe coffee could set it apart from competitors:


"La Colombe is known as one of the most sophisticated coffee roasters around, and is served in some of the best restaurants in the country, so if Chipotle were to offer it in more locations, they could pretty easily make a case for it being distinct from the coffee served by most of its rivals," according to Satran.

Chipotle competitor Taco Bell entered the breakfast market recently, with successful items like the Waffle Taco.

But Chipotle emphatically denies imminent plans to roll out a breakfast menu nationwide.

"To be clear, there are no broader plans for these things (coffee or breakfast)," a spokesperson told HuffPo. "The airport locations give us a chance to test these things because terms of those leases require that we are open in the morning (earlier than our normal hours)."

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