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Chinese Newspaper Cartoon Slams Obama For Insulting The Missing Plane With His Latest Selfie

Apr 29, 2014, 18:56 IST

China's largest English-language newspaper thinks President Barack Obama's latest selfie was disrespectful to the lost passengers of the MH370 plane and they skewered him for it with a single panel editorial cartoon.


Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak tweeted the selfie he took with the president during Obama's visit to his country on Sunday.

The cartoon that ran in China Daily shows the pair of politicians posing with underwater wreckage from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight in the background. A speech bubble rising up from the plane declares the selfie, "Inappropriate!"

Razak's government has been harshly criticized, particularly by China, for its handling of the search for MH370. Over 150 of the plane's 227 passengers were Chinese.

The artist of the China Daily cartoon, "Stephff," published a copy on his Facebook page Sunday.


View the cartoon below.


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