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Chinese Designers Sent Some Absurd Looks Down The Runway At Beijing Fashion Week

Mar 30, 2013, 03:08 IST

REUTERS/Kim Kyung-HoonChina's Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week AW 2013/2014 was held in Beijing this past week, and the clothing was equal parts intricate, beautiful, and absurd.


While some of the 30-plus participating designers sent relatively tame outfits down the runways, fashion students from Maogeping Image Design Art School and Minzu University of China took some bigger risks.

Attended twice yearly by China's wealthy elite and movie stars, China's Fashion Week has been growing in popularity since it first launched 15 years ago in 1997.

From gorgeous face appliques to wearing an elaborate bag over one's head, here are some of the most jaw-dropping moments from the past week in Beijing.

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