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May 1, 2013, 06:27 IST

Flick/SpAvAAiMahjongChina's National Bureau of Statistics just published its April manufacturing PMI report.


The headline number fell to 50.6 from 50.9 in March.

Economists were looking for a reading of 50.7.

Any reading above 50 signals expansion.

Here's a break down of the March and April reports:


March 2013 April 2013
PMI 50.950.6
New orders52.351.7
New export orders50.948.6
Backlog of work47.143.6
Inventories of finished goods 50.247.7
Purchases quantity51.951.0
Input prices50.640.1
Inventories of raw materials47.547.5
Supplier delivery times Business Activity Expectation 51.1 65.5 50.8 59.3

Earlier this month, we got a preliminary reading of HSBC's unofficial PMI, which unexpectedly fell to 50.5 from 51.6 in March. The final reading of this index will come out tomorrow.

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