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China's largest paper says this is security camera footage showing the moment of the massive explosion in a major city

Aug 13, 2015, 01:52 IST
Chinese newspaper People's Daily China tweeted out security camera footage of the moment a giant explosion rocked the Chinese city of Tianjin late Wednesday night.State broadcaster CCTV reported that the blast - which created a huge mushroom cloud and triggered a quake that could be felt up to six miles away - happened at Tianjin Dongjiang Port Rui Hai International Logistics Co. Ltd., which handles the transport of hazardous goods.At least seven people are confirmed dead and 300 people were injured in the blast, according to People's Daily. More injuries are expected.CCTV said no deaths had been reported, adding that there had been two explosions within 30 seconds of each other and that about 100 fire trucks had been sent to the scene.Tianjin is a major port and industrial city located 72 miles southeast of the capital of Beijing.A Tianjin resident caught the explosion itself on video:Please enable Javascript to watch this video

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